Video: Democrat Dennis Kucinich praises Syria's Assad on Syrian TV

This sends an awful signal to the people of Syria, who have been rioting and dying to gain some freedom from Bashar Assad’s dictatorial regime. Coupled with the Obama administration’s relative silence about Assad’s crimes, the people of Syria could be forgiven for thinking that American leadership is hypocritical and doesn’t care about them or their freedom.



Kucinich called for an “investigation” to determine how Syria’s violence against its own people occurred. What’s to investigate — people demonstrated for freedom, and Assad sent out the troops to quell and kill them. Kucinich even lauds Assad for caring, when Assad is the author of the crackdown. The Daily Caller transcribed some of Kucinich’s additional remarks.

“What I learned from my meeting with President Assad is that he does care about what’s happening, that he wants to respond, that he’s thinking about the different ways that would be the best way to address the needs of the people,” Kucinich said in the interview, video of which was provided to TheDC by The Middle East Media Research Institute. “And that’s what he’s talking about. He’s talking about the people. He’s very engaged in that kind of a discussion. And frankly, that’s a positive development.”


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