The Beatification of Pope John Paul II

Reports from Vatican City say Rome is preparing for 2 million pilgrims for Pope John Paul II’s beatification, the last step before sainthood, to take place on May 1st.   While Catholics search for the miracles to justify beatification and sainthood, others can marvel at his worldly accomplishments. Check out the recent film “Nine Days That Changed The World.”  It documents Pope John Paul II’s June 1979 pilgrimage to Poland which brilliantly served to challenge and undermine the Soviet empire.  Now imagine 2 million people arriving on the doorsteps of the UN on September 21st and challenging the United Nations empire as it hosts Iranian Prime Minister Ahmadinejad and the rest of the presidents and prime ministers from the Organization of the Islamic Conference for “Durban III”.  At the UN’s invitation, they will all be in New York – a few days after the 10th anniversary of 9/11 – to invert right and wrong, perpetrator and victim, tolerance and intolerance.  A moment to reject this global assault on liberty coming directly to our shores if there ever was one.



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