
'Unwoke' With Kevin and Kruiser #110: Firearms For Me, But Not For Thee

Townhall Media

(New “Unwoke” episodes are posted on the podcast page every week.)

We are back now that Kevin's couple of weeks as a media darling are over for the moment. Because it's one of our favorite topics, we're talking about guns in this episode. 

Supreme Court Justice Sonia "Wise Latina" Sotomayor's recent firearms-related event outside of her home has turned a white-hot spotlight on the fact that she isn't a proponent of regular citizens being able to arm themselves for protection. 


For those who need to get up to speed on this story, Kevin wrote about it here

Liberal elites who are vehemently opposed to the Second Amendment rights of the commoners in this country are, more often than not, working on their gun-grabbing from behind a wall of armed security. It perfectly illustrates the ruling class mindset on the Left that is so antithetical to what the United States is supposed to be about. 

The attitude is also very reminiscent of how communist regimes operate. Just sayin'. 

Kevin and I are both glad to be back, and we're already planning our next Man Meat episode. 

Guns, meat, and the occasional adult beverage. What's not to love about this podcast?


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