
Kruiser's (Almost) Daily Distraction: My Screen Time Tells Me That All This Screen Time Is Bad

One can hardly scroll through social media or the news on one's phone for more than a couple of minutes without happening upon a story about the perils of screen time here in the 21st century. Digital doomsayers would have us believe that our brains are in danger of being swallowed whole by iOS or Android.


I know all of this to be true because I spend a lot of time on my computer and phone reading about how bad screen time is for me. 

Frankly, the hand-wringing over what our phone, tablet, and computer screens are doing to our lives seems a bit hysterical to me, and not the "ha-ha" kind of hysterical. Before I get to the mostly positive message here, I will say there is something about being online that makes the majority of the population want to complain, and that's the root of screen-time panic. 

It's as if the unwritten motto of online interaction is "But first, kvetch." 

While I do find myself reflexively checking my phone when I'm alone, I don't do it as much when I'm out with friends or family. It's really not an effort and I am mystified as to why so many think it is. When the beer, food, and conversation are good, the world inside your phone isn't that interesting. 

There is a lot of talk about "doom scrolling" these days. That refers to endlessly looking at the news all day on your preferred device. It isn't healthy, I agree, but it's also avoidable. My suspicion is that the people who rail against screen time the most are chronic doom scrollers. This is a bipartisan issue. Many of my conservative friends immerse themselves in political news. 

I write about the news and I don't do that. It's like sniffing glue in digital form. Your brain will end up worse for it. 

You can spend 15-20 minutes a day checking solid political information sites and be caught up for most of that news cycle. The majority of the news oozes like molasses throughout any given day. If a big story does break, it'll take you maybe five minutes to get up to speed on that. Everything else is a variation on a theme. Don't expose yourself to potential brain rot.

The good news is that you can completely curate your online experience. That's why I am very pro-screen time. I check Instagram more than anything else throughout the day. Here is what occupies most of my Instagram feed: food, beer, comedy, Catholic stuff, guns, attractive women, and attractive women with guns. 

It's like an online amusement park for me. I've gotten so many brilliant recipes off Instagram in the last several years that I think I may not be getting enough screen time. Who knows what delectable delights I miss out on by disengaging from the digital world and going outside?

I've also discovered a lot of great bars and restaurants around me that I had no idea existed.

Let the naysayers continue their Eeyore ways and spend all day reading about the latest stupid study that says coffee is bad for you. 

From my screen to yours, I say let's do more of this, but let's do it the fun way.

Online whiskey club, anyone?

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