Everything But the Skirt — WaPo and NY Times in Helpful Cheerleader Mode for Biden's SOTU

AP Photo/Donna McWilliam

There is a popular game on social media lately that asks people to explain that they are something without mentioning the something. I'll use "went to high school in the '70s" as an example.


"Tell me you went to high school in the '70s without telling me that you went to high school in the '70s."

I would then respond with something like a picture of me in a powder blue prom tux that had lapels you could land a 747 on. 

The Democrats' flying monkeys in the mainstream media are currently acting like the respondents in a version of the game that starts with, "Tell me the idiot president you're propping up is senile without telling me that the idiot president you're propping up is senile."

President LOLEightyonemillion's handlers are busy this week trying to get him ready for an extended reunion with his former best friend, Tel E. Prompter, as they gear up for the State of the Union address. Like almost every American outside of the Swamp, I would much prefer that we go old school and go back to having the SOTU be a written address that's delivered by hand. Instead, we're stuck with what amounts to a talking points awards show for the party that has the White House at the time. 

The 2023 SOTU was probably the last time that Biden's medical team was able to hit the sweet spot with his dosage of public appearance uppers. He was able to appear lifelike for over an hour and read the 'prompter like someone who at least studied a little in school when he wasn't plagiarizing. 

It's a tall order for them to pull that off again. In the past year, Biden's coherence shelf life during public appearances has been constantly revised downward. There aren't that many minutes before he lapses into the slurring gibberish that has practically become his native tongue. The sequel to 2023 is going to be "Grease 2," not "Godfather Part II." 


Every Democrat who is invested in getting Joe Biden reelected knows that he's a barely functional drooling moron. They just don't say it out loud. True, there has been some discussion over on the Dark Side about Biden's age of late, but that all goes out the window when it's time to give the old boy a boost before a big public show. 

There have been so many "Rah, rah, Joe!" offerings in the MSM recently that I can almost hear pom-poms shaking in the background when I read The New York Times or The Washington Post. Even when the articles do offer some kernels of unavoidable truth about the desiccated husk-in-chief, those kernels are couched in oniony layers of delusion. 

A prime example is this article in the Times that interviews some of Joe Biden's "superfans." The writers — it took more than one to hunt down these people — admit that the superfans group is not a big one. They then rattle off every boondoggle piece of legislation that's been passed since Biden has been in office and unquestioningly treat it all as policy brilliance. 

As for the overdose of delusion, a paragraph about Biden's "substantive first-term record" concluded with, "Backing Ukraine and navigating international crises with his deep foreign policy experience." 

Whenever I read something like that, I'm immediately grateful that I'm not allowed to drop f-bombs here. 

On the same day that journalistic plunge into non-reality took place in the Times, veteran columnist Maureen Dowd reaffirmed her status as the poster girl for why op-eds shouldn't be written while finishing the second and third boxes of wine for the day. 


The piece is titled "My Joe Biden Fantasy," and it could have gone off the rails in any number of ways with Mo Dowd at the keyboard. 

In it, Dowd pretends to have a dream about what she would like Biden to say in his SOTU speech. Spoiler alert: her dream ends with Biden saying that he won't run for reelection. That's merely a ruse for more "here's what Joe should say" talking points help from his buddies in the MSM. For example, this bit of nonsense from Ms. Dowd (speaking in Biden's voice):

I remember very well that, three years ago, our economy was reeling. Our administration has created nearly 15 million jobs...

Dem media hacks continue to pretend that the pandemic was some sort of normal economic downturn. They do this, of course, to imply that Orange Man Bad had something to do with it. Bragging about the government bringing jobs back after the government spent a year shutting down businesses and telling people not to work is pretty hollow. It's like telling someone to buy you a present because you finally stopped kicking them in the groin. 

Relevant: LOL, Sure Buddy — NY Times Gets a Neuroscientist to Say Biden Is Merely a Smidge Forgetful

Last weekend, WaPo's Editorial Board published another Biden fanfic column, this one titled "Give 'em hell Joe — and keep the State of the Union shorter."

Good luck with that last part. There isn't a D.C. politician in the modern media era who gets sick of the sound of his or her own voice.


This piece completely ignores the fact that Biden's mental battery is dead and well beyond the point of recharge. The board members provide a blueprint for what they think Biden should accomplish with the speech because he still "has eight months to improve his fortunes." They apparently haven't been watching any video of the guy lately or paying attention to the fact that his wife has now been dispatched to the campaign trail for the 2024 version of the 2020 Basement Strategy. 

The board admits that Biden can't run from his border fiasco, then immediately drifts off into partisan preposterousness: 

It’s valid to castigate Republicans for killing the sensible bipartisan border deal, something Mr. Biden did during his visit to a Texas border town on Thursday — but insufficient. He needs to convey he understands that many see the millions of border crossings as a breakdown in one of the federal government’s core responsibilities and outline how he will use executive authorities to stop it if Congress won’t.

As someone who wants Joe Biden to be handed his walking papers in November, I greatly encourage the Democrats to keep trying to blame the Republicans for what's happening on our southern border. No, really, good luck with that. 

The casual glossing over of the fact that it was Biden's use of his "executive authorities" that kicked off this mess is the difference between mere bias and pathologically lying, as is pretending that his sham border trip was anything but an unmitigated disaster. My friend Stephen Green offers a clearer glimpse of how that went down in a recent post


Since last summer, I've been writing that the Dems' media mouthpieces were going have to work two or three times harder than they did in 2020 to create a fictional version of Biden for the public. That they're trying this hard, this early is an indication that they think that even the Magic Mail-In Ballot Machine might not be able to save them. 

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