
The Kruiser Kabana Episode 205: A Conservative Wish List for the 2023 GOP House Majority

(Reminder: all of the podcast episodes are now in the Kruiser Kabana section of our shiny new podcast page. I will be doing little teaser blurbs here and/or in the Morning Briefing for each new episode.)

Well, ’tis the season to look ahead to the new year and speculate about what might happen. After the last few years, that can be like peering into a crystal ball that is filled with nothing but night terrors. I have decided not to pre-stress about what the slim Republican majority in the House of Representatives might do. In keeping with the spirit of the season, I’ve decided to make a wish list of what I’d like from them.


This list isn’t lengthy or impossible. We’re dealing with the Republicans here, after all; it’s best to give them simple tasks. I’m not expecting the party to be fully functional overnight.

Or ever again, for that matter.

Let me know what you’d like to see on the list.



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