The Democrats Are Apparently Terrified of Scott Walker

Good to know.

Last week, over 27,000 pages of private e-mails from one of Wisconsin governor Scott Walker’s convicted ex-staffers were released. As soon as the document dump hit the Web, Democrats began climbing over themselves to prove that the e-mails showed that during his time as Milwaukee county executive in 2010, Walker was part of a grand criminal conspiracy — despite the fact that prosecutors had the e-mails for nearly three years and found Walker had engaged in no criminal wrongdoing.


This is a lot like what happened with Sarah Palin a while back. Democrats think that a large number of emails are bound to reveal some criminal activity. Once they have access, they begin frothing and assuming they will unearth something criminal. This is probably because the same would be true if you were perusing thousands of the average Democrat’s emails.

What have they dug up on the good governor so far? Here’s one GAME CHANGER:

Perhaps the crown jewel of Walker attacks occurred on Monday, when Amanda Terkel at the Huffington Post tried to argue that Walker has a history of breaking campaign rules because he — wait for it — violated a rule while running for Marquette University student body president in 1988, when he was 20 years old.

Walker probably causes more sweating among Democrat elites as far as 2016 is concerned than any other potential candidate among the popular GOP governors (I have a separate theory about Christie that I won’t go into here). All Walker does is make Democrats look bad. And beat their organized muscle, Big Labor. He is one of those politicians who accomplishes being remarkable by being unremarkable, which is odd in the hyper-media era. He just shows up at work and gets results for all of the people he governs, not only the ones who voted for him.


Who ever heard of such craziness?


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