Results for: the daily caller

VIDEO—Sen. Harry Reid Launches Racist Jokes Before Asian Audience
– [jwplayer player=”1″ mediaid=”170404″] Daily Caller has a story on this remarkable video of Sen. … I’m asking as the husband of a Japanese woman… Sen. … He sought the Asian Chamber’s endorsement for Democrat Lucy Flores. But the Chamber backed Republican Mark Hutchison instead.…
Dispatches from the CNN Style Guide
– , as spotted by Jim Treacher of the Daily Caller, who notes that “An Automatic Weapon Is Whatever CNN’s Don Lemon Says It Is:” Lemon … ” is the word we use to describe weapons that continue to fire for as long as the trigger is depressed. … without special permission from the ATF.…
The News Anchors Who Didn't Bark
– Compare and contrast: as Jim Treacher notes today at the Daily Caller, “I’m not sure if [CNN’s Anderson Cooper] thought bringing the … And I don’t even want to use the work ‘riot.’ I’m gonna use the word ‘uprising.’ But this is not the first time we’ve seen this. … Related: “What if the Rioters Were White?”, Walter Hudson asks at the PJ Tatler.…
Brookings Institute, Influential Think Tank, In The Tank For Muslim Brotherhood-Supporting Qatar
– organizations should have filed under the Foreign Agents Registration Act,” Chuck Ross writes at the Daily Caller: The New York … The Brookings Institution, considered by many to be the most prestigious think tank in the world, comes off especially poorly in theThe Qataris were pleased with the arrangement, which the foreign ministry touted on its website, writing that “the center will assume…
Revealed: Brookings Shilled for Qatar
Daily Caller: The Brookings Institution, considered by many to be the most prestigious think tank in the world, comes off especially … The Qataris were pleased with the arrangement, which the foreign ministry touted on its website, writing that “the center will assume … The trouble comes when sensitivity by the think tank to the feelings of foreign governments shades the research a certain way.…
Pool Party at the U.S. Embassy in Libya! Infidels Not Invited.
– Even the men stay fully covered while they jump from the roof to the pool. … They’re what the partygoers will use for the ceremonial beheading of a westerner at the end of the party. … h/t Daily Caller
Florida Reports Huge Drop in Obamacare Enrollment
Daily Caller: Florida’s Obamacare enrollment is now over 220,000 lower than the Obama administration’s most recent tally, according … Insurance department spokesman Harvey Bennett told the South Florida Business Journal that the enrollment numbers are lower than thethe top as matters of concern to the voter.  …
Report: CNN's Crossfire Begins Dumping Staff
– And since nobody else has watched its recent reboot either, Betsy Rothstein of the Daily Caller writes that Crossfire will soon be … Behind the scenes, CNN is allegedly saying the show may make yet another comeback. … top of the charts.…
Our Source was the New York Times
– For example, the Czech president, Vaclav Klaus, has sharply criticized the attacks on Iraq, and the government of the Netherlands has … —“Q&A: What Is the ‘Coalition of the Willing?'”, the New York Times, March 28th 2003. … At the Daily Caller, Betsy Rothstein quips that one of her readers suggested that “Maybe the Times could have looked for some really…
Nancy Pelosi At Long Last Wakes Up to Civilization's Existential Threat
– would be in jeopardy if the Republicans win the Senate,” Chuck Ross writes at the Daily Caller: On the one hand, California U.S. … “The people who get health care now — they’re the people least likely to vote. … The people who come out to vote are the angry people.” “That’s true,” said Pelosi.…
Nancy Pelosi Just Might Be Insane
– You make the call. We’re not done yet, though, as you’ll see on the next page. … The Daily Caller has a video clip of Pelosi saying this to Bill Maher. … Republicans taking the Senate…nah. It’s happened before, and the republic still stands.…
Oakland Firefighter Plays Victim Card Until Police Release Video
– Given the time of night and the lack of lighting, the video is dark and offers little in the way of clarifying images, but the sound … This officer’s interaction with Jones was also captured on video, which can be viewed on the Daily Caller website here.  … What makes this all the more troubling is that Jones, as an Oakland firefighter, interacts daily with the city’s police officers and…
Symmetrical Sophistry
– “There Are Now 52 Explanations For The Pause In Global Warming,” Michael Bastasch of the Daily Caller writes: It’s been a busy year … The Daily Caller News Foundation reported in February there were eight mainstream explanations for the pause, but there are now a whopping … as the number of maladies supposedly caused by global warming.…
Your ♡bamaCare!!! Fail of the Day
– Wennen wrote to his customers in a letter obtained by The Daily Caller. … “The governmental agencies that are supplying ‘medical insurance’ to the elderly, the disadvantaged, the indigent and the sick, injured … What kind of person will be attracted to the medical field in the future, when the pay is lower and the results are worse?…
Pedophilia, the Next Chapter in the 'Gay Marriage' Court Saga?
The attempt to legitimize pedophilia may very well be the next chapter in the ongoing saga of reshaping America through the courts. … The Daily Caller picked up on a New York Times op-ed written by Rutgers Law Professor Margo Kaplan, who argues in defense of pedophiles … all the employment protection the ADA allows.…
I'm Sure It's Purely a Coincidence
– Now is the time when we juxtapose, Small Dead Animals-style: A report into the British Broadcasting Corporation handling of the … —“Pedophilia Deserves Civil Rights, Says New York Times’ Op-Ed,” Neil Munro, the Daily Caller, today. … These are the “creative” geniuses who in the 1990s paid $1.4 billion for The Boston Globe and The Worcester Telegram, only to unload…
Out: Far Left 9/11 Truthers. In: Far Left ISIS Truthers
– In the fall of 2008, she predicted that if John McCain won, we’d see the coming of the Palin-Rove Police State. (No, really!) … The following year in the UK Guardian she had her latest gnostic revelation: “Revealed: how the FBI coordinated the crackdown on Occupy … Or as Jim Treacher of the Daily Caller recently tweeted, “Modern journalism is all about deciding which facts the public shouldn’t…
Two MSNBCs in One!
– —“Eight More Things You Didn’t Know Are Racist,” the Daily Caller, August 8th, 2014. … “Presidents should go out and look for people,” Matthews said about the lack of fresh blood in the White House. … Obama and you’re just listening to the same voices all the time.”…
Tell Me Something I Don't Know
Daily Caller has the latest from the Official Currently Known as Joseph Miller: Once again, the president overruled his commanding … The president clearly does not think the mission is worth the cost necessary to complete it; but by pursuing his ends without authorizing … The United States military and intelligence community have learned a lot over the past decade of conflict.…
Republicans Are People Too?
– Anyway, watch the ad, then read this excellent Daily Caller response from my friend Michael Knowles: “Republicans Do NOT Drive Priuses … Poor strategy aside, the most nauseating characteristic of the commercial is its transparent disingenuousness. … That’s not even the best part. Read the whole thing here. It’s definitely worth it.…
We Must Face Up to the Grim Fact that the Teachers We Employ are Losing Patience With Us
– George of Princeton notes, as quoted by Ginni Thomas of the Daily Caller: “Christians, and those rejecting the me-generation liberal … As the late Kenneth Minogue wrote in the New Criterion in the summer of 2010: My concern with democracy is highly specific. … Related: The plot against the middle class: How tech companies, bureaucrats and the media are conspiring against you…
Latest from the Fever Swamps: U.S. Defense Department Responsible for Ebola Outbreak…us-defense-department-responsible-for-ebola-outbreak-n195840
The Daily Caller reports: Broderick’s conspiracy-laden Sept. 9 article is entitled “Ebola, AIDS Manufactured By Western Pharmaceuticals … In addition to the American military and the Canadian pharmaceutical industry, the nutty professor also implicates the United Kingdom … a spokesman for the school, told the paper.…
HIV Positive Teacher's Aide Tried to Infect 42 Children with Virus, Police Say
– Will they be the target of bullying? … The Daily Caller reports that an HIV-positive man who worked at a middle school “allegedly sexually assaulted more than 40 children … Only an evil person would sexually assault children in the first place, but then you add to that the fact that Bell reportedly wanted…
As Usual, a Campus Hoax: Police Arrest Suspect in 'KKK' Vandalism Case
– Whenever a supposed hate crime is reported, always wait for the arrest before accepting the narrative. … From The Daily Caller: A black man has been arrested in connection with a string of racist graffiti incidents at Eastern Michigan … The charges are related to three incidents of vandalism that appeared to be targeting the black community at EMU.…
The Morning Briefing: Moore Allegations, RUSSIA Update and Much, Much More
– In the afternoon, the president will deliver remarks to the APEC CEO Summit. … One of the women was 14 years old at the time of the alleged incident. Moore denies the allegations and will not step down. … Developing… RUSSIA Update Over at The Daily Caller, Chuck Ross reports that Fusion GPS brought a report (or dossier, if you will…
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