Results for: hillary
Politico: Dems Stressed, Worried Hillary Could 'Implode Totally'
Three days into the rolling controversy over Hillary Clinton’s use of a personal email address as Secretary of State, Democrats are … Predictably, those who automatically defend Hillary act as if trouble like this is conjured up out of nothing by detractors, which…
A Holodeck as Big As Washington
Someone like Hillary Clinton has more layers of defense than carrier battle group. … But Russians are less of a threat to Hillary than American voters. … Who are Hillary, Obama, Abedin or Mitt Romney in actuality? …
Hahahahaha: Politico: 'Hillary Clinton Email Flap Creates Awkward GOP Silence'
Fresh off accusing TMZ of “stalking” Hillary by — gasp! … Unless they thought AOL was stalking Hillary in obtaining its reportage, of course. … Nice juxtaposition here:
TMZ stalks Hillary, but author that moved in next door to Palin is praised.…
Gentlemen, You Can't Ask Questions Here—This is a Journalism Awards Ceremony!
“Hillary Clinton Won’t Take Questions at Journalism Award Ceremony,” Mediaite reports:
Hillary Clinton, known for giant paydays … Having Hillary, who hasn’t driven a car since the mid-1990s, and whose idea of maximum encryption is a apparently an eMachine running…
'Hillary’s State Dept. Forced The Resignation Of An Ambassador For Using Private E-Mail'
From Sean Davis at the Federalist:
Although Hillary Clinton and her allies may be claiming that her private e-mail system is no … That’s Good News: From a supremely cynical political perspective, it’s better for conservatives and Republicans if Hillary Clinton’ … Was Hillary Clinton’s e-mail effectively a leak all along?…
What the GOP Is Doing About Hillary Clinton's Emails
The chairman of the House committee investigating the Benghazi attacks isn’t satisfied by former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton … That subpoena is for “all communications of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton related to Libya and to the State Department … Gowdy and the Select Committee on Benghazi to further explore Hillary Clinton’s use of personal emails while at the State Department…
Has Walker Peaked Too Soon?
A few righties on Twitter yesterday were kicking around the theory that Team Hillary exposed the private e-mail account themselves, … That’s especially true for Bill and Hillary, whose brand already has plenty of scandal built in. … Truth: after Hillary 'homebrew server' E-mail revelation, it must be taken as ASSUMED that hostile foreign intel had access to her…
Hillary Clinton: Mean Girls Meets the Mob
Hillary, about to find out what difference it makes
You all know the mantra by now: a criminal organization masquerading as a political … Still, thanks to one of the great avatars of the unholy Left, Hillary Clinton, every day the mask slips a little more. … Related: What the GOP Is Doing About Hillary Clinton’s Emails…
Hillary Urges State Dept. to Release Her Emails
Former Secretary of State Hilary Clinton weighed in on the controversy about her private, unarchived government emails, telling Twitter: “I want the public to see my email. I asked State to release them. They said they will review them for release as soon as possible.”
State Department spokesperson Marie...
Two Days Later, Hillary Responds with a Tweet, Should Be Enough for the MSM…y-responds-with-a-tweet-should-be-enough-for-the-msm-n199247…y-responds-with-a-tweet-should-be-enough-for-the-msm-n199247
— Hillary Clinton (@HillaryClinton) March 5, 2015
See? Everything is on the up and up. … Hillary is going to have the State Department release emails from her private server.…
Emailgate: It's Worse Than You Think
This is a very big deal:
A week before becoming Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton set up a private e-mail system that gave…
Leadership Means Begging Forgiveness?
This time it’s Frank Bruni asking if Hillary Clinton has a political death wish:
She and Bill have lived their entire political lives … Aggrieved by the way her detractors saw her as haughtily above it all, Hillary decided on an approach to emails as secretary of state…
Et Tu, Guardian?
Even the leftwing folks at The Guardian see trouble ahead for Hillary Clinton because of Emailgate:
It leaves Clinton vulnerable…
Dispatches from Hillary's Homebrew Email Server
In Obama’s estimation, Hillary was not up to the task of being a top figure on the world stage. … So, fully aware that Hillary was unqualified, he asked her to be secretary of state. … That’s especially true for Bill and Hillary, whose brand already has plenty of scandal built in.…
Politico Faces Its Worst Fear and Ponders a 2016 Without Hillary
Until now, Hillary Clinton’s run for the presidency has been viewed as pretty much a sure thing. … Indeed, the biggest problem is that the Democratic establishment is apparently so terrified of the idea of a Hillary-less race—and … If the Hillary money went her way, the problem is solved.…
Over the Hillary
In the wake of Emailgate, Bill Scher explains what happens if Hillary Clinton chooses not to run:
“Panic,” says Democratic consultant … Indeed, the biggest problem is that the Democratic establishment is apparently so terrified of the idea of a Hillary-less race—and … After Hillary the Democrats have Elizabeth “Fauxcahontas” Warren and Martin “Who?” O’Malley.
I’d panic, too.…
Vice President Fiorina
She’s an engaging speaker who has articulated a more cogent contrast against Hillary Clinton than any of the other prospective Republicans … Most significantly, she was one of the few speakers who actually delivered a speech that was focused against Hillary Clinton—the GOP … Need a Spiro Agnew-type attack dog to keep her teeth sunk into Hillary?…
To Protect and to Server Herself
Hillary Clinton wasn’t just using a private account for official State Department business, which is totes against the law, she was…
The Spitefulness of Little Men
In 2011 Hillary Clinton trumpeted the liberation of Libya. … Trust Betrayed: Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, and the Selling Out of America’s National Security [Kindle Edition]
Did you know…
NBC Anchorman: Netanyahu Attempted a Coup in Congress
Bush was warning people that Bashar Assad might not be the cuddly would-be “reformer” that Democrats like Hillary Clinton were convinced…
'Chappaqua, We Have a Problem'
chose to answer in 2008, when it picked tyro rookie senator Barack Obama over tyro (almost) rookie senator and former first lady Hillary … And if Hillary didn’t have that new president smell in 2007, her brand’s freshness date has long since expired, no matter what sort … Williamson at NRO, with Hillary, failure is always an option:
Here’s my theory: She was preparing for failure.
Should Parents Pay a Price for Giving Their Child Independence?
story to: ‘Give your kid one second of freedom and the government will arrest you.’ ”
Many years ago, people rightly scoffed at Hillary…
Fournier: 'Maybe Hillary Clinton Should Retire Her White House Dreams'
—“Maybe Hillary Clinton Should Retire Her White House Dreams: Maybe she doesn’t want to run in 2016, top Democrats wonder.…
Even Robert Gibbs Finds Hillary's Private Email Use 'Highly Unusual'
Former White House press secretary Robert Gibbs says he can’t think of a good reason why Hillary Clinton would have used a personal … Hillary is totally off the hook now!…
Will Rep. Trey Gowdy and Benghazi Select Committee Subpoena Hillary's Personal Emails?…zi-select-committee-subpoena-hilarys-personal-emails-n199188…zi-select-committee-subpoena-hilarys-personal-emails-n199188
The New York Times reported yesterday that former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton may have violated the law by exclusively using…