Results for: the daily caller

Merry Christmas: Here's 1,200 New Regulations from the Obama Admin
The Daily Caller writes, “Regulations listed on include ‘Notices from the Federal Register; Proposed Rules; Final Rules … The government website shows that 309 rules were proposed or finalized in the last 15 days and 892 notices from the federal register … The grand total, including the coal ash rule, puts the cost of the regulations at $200 billion. Merry Christmas!    …
'This Org Gives Me an icky Feeling'
– “BOMBSHELL REPORT: IRS Targeted ‘Icky’ Conservative Groups,” Patrick Howley writes at the Daily Caller. … We suspect we will have to approve the majority of the c4 applications,” IRS official Holly Paz wrote to colleagues. … #IRS — Santa Hat (@Popehat) December 23, 2014 Perhaps the House of Repeal can take up this issue as well.…
How Many More Dead Police Officers Will the Mob Want?
The Daily Caller has some examples, among which is someone who took to Twitter and wrote, “Shout out the homie who shot those cops … There is simply no repairing the relationship between the cops and the mayor.  … between the law-abiding and the lawless. …
Time Magazine: Right-Wing Militias Are The Real Threat To Cops
– “Time Magazine warned of a growing threat to cops nationwide in September 2010,” Scott Greer writes at the Daily Caller today, … mid-2009 when the Tea Party movement first swept the country, until their orgy of anti-right wing rhetoric in the wake of the shooting … The gang declared “open season” on NYPD officers earlier in December following the non-indictment of the officer involved in the death…
President Obama Rewards Media Matters with a Political Nomination…bama-rewards-media-matters-with-a-political-nomination-n6727
the wake of the 2000 presidential election and the controversy over what happened in Florida. … wing of the White House and the Justice Department. … Daily Caller, Fox News, and National Review.…
Hollywood Pulls More Movies in Dictator's Wake
– At the time of its cancellation, the project was being developed for Gore Verbinski to direct with Steve Carell was going to play the … Steve Conrad, who has previously written The Weather Man, The Pursuit Of Happyness and The Secret Life of Walter Mitty, had scribed … *Updated*: Another upload of video via Daily Caller.…
Shake 'em On Down
The Daily Caller reported: It’s gone remarkably unnoticed that Sharpton was the first major black leader to endorse the Comcast merger … But Sharpton got more than a job: A Comcast spokesperson told The Daily Beast that Comcast has given $140,000 to Sharpton’s National … Action Network since 2009—the same year the merger was first proposed.…
The Brunch Brigade, or No Justice, No Quiche!
– Anti-police protesters take to occupying their fellow urban leftists’ Sunday brunches, Derek Hunter writes at the Daily Caller: … But, as is the case with any dying movement, when the larger crowds dwindle, the only people left are the extremists and radicals who … The attention they got they didn’t much care for.…
Poll: 60% of GOP Voters Want Boehner Out as Speaker
The survey was conducted among self-identified Republicans and independents who say they lean Republican so the opinions in the poll … come from GOPers around the country, not the public-at-large. … And the Daily Caller points out there are members who are planning to try to jettison Boehner.…
'There is No Such Thing as Partial Credibility'
– Stacy McCain links to the story at the Daily Caller that “Gawker Thinks They Found Lena Dunham’s Alleged Rapist… And He’s A Democrat … As I’ve said before, starting with the New York Times’ “Fake But Accurate” headline, it’s been fascinating to watch the left, and leftwing … the liberal perspective,” Jonah Goldberg writes, as he explores “A Year of Liberal Double Standards.”…
Fire John Boehner? What a Good Idea
– Finally, the GOP took control of the Senate and set a record for the number of seats it controlled in the House of Representatives. … Slim to none: When the 114th Congress convenes at noon on Jan. 6, the first item on the agenda in the House will be the election … steadfast in opposing President Barack Obama on a variety of issues, including the budget and immigration, The Daily Caller reported…
Are There Any Lawyers In the House?
The real question is, are there any lawyers with the standing to the sue the Federal government on behalf of the entire America people … What else to make of this story in the Daily Caller about the worst law in the American history — worse, the worst deliberately fraudulent … said that the Affordable Care Act would definitely not be affordable while he was writing the bill with the White House… Gruber said…
Brandeis Student Under Attack for Calling Out Leftist Hate
– Students have the right to their opinions; the University has the duty to judge some opinions as beneath contempt. … The incredible shape the criticism of Mael took was reported on the Daily Caller: Brandeis senior Michael Piccione, a member of the … — claimed that “Mael has exposed Khadijah to the largely white supremacist following of the website.”…
The Morning Briefing: Cohen Documents Unsealed and Much, Much More
– to enter the school for several minutes as the shooting took place. … She insisted that CNN had captured the entire exchange on camera and called on the network to release the footage. … Sarah Sanders Trolls CNN’s Jim Acosta For Criticizing Daily Caller Reporter Florida felon voting rights imperiled amid GOP opposition…
North Carolina County Declares Itself a 'Gun Sanctuary'
– Cherokee County in North Carolina is the latest locality in the country to take a page from the illegal alien sanctuary movement and … The Daily Caller: Counties in Illinois, Washington, Oregon and New Mexico have declared gun sanctuaries, according to Reuters, in … The Supremacy Clause in the Constitution would seem to preclude the selective enforcement of federal law.…
Tucker Takes on Media Matters Hater Who Derided 'Trannies,' 'Japs,' and 'Jewish Gold'…tters-hater-who-derided-trannies-japs-and-jewish-gold-n64408
The Daily Caller — which Carlson co-founded — reported earlier Wednesday that Carusone has his own track record of making profoundly … In the post, Carusone wrote: Is the write[r] a tranny lover too? … Your move, @goangelo — Daily Caller (@DailyCaller) March 14, 2019 Few would disagree that Carlson…
Tucker Carlson's Jokes Didn't Hurt Anybody, Then or Now
– Back in 2009, he hired me to help launch The Daily Caller, plucking me out of complete obscurity and launching me into slightly less … with the style of humor. … I notice the conservatism-conservers at The Bulwark are also tsk-tsking over this: The great thing about Twitter is that the folks…
50+ Journalists, Politicians, Celebrities, and Grifters Who Peddled the Russia Collusion Hoax…es-and-grifters-who-peddled-the-russia-collusion-hoax-n64718
– “The single most serious scandal in the history of the United States: Was the president of the United States an agent of the enemy … Last April, the Daily Mail featured some of his tweets celebrating the news that Trump Tower had caught on fire.  … “Avenatti appeared on CNN and MSNBC over 100 times during a 10-week period last spring,” The Daily Caller reported.…
Judge Overturns Assault Weapons Ban in Deerfield, Illinois
The judge, Luis Berrones, backed the plaintiffs, which included the Illinois State Rifle Association, Second Amendment Foundation, … Daily Caller: According to The Chicago Tribune, Judge Luis Berrones issued a permanent injunction against the Chicago suburb, writing … The ban and confiscation were passed in the heat of the moment following a tragedy.…
New Leak Reveals Google Manually Manipulates News Blacklist
– ,” maintained by Google’s Trust & Safety team, The Daily Caller’s J. … policies, according to the document The Daily Caller unearthed. … Robert Epstein (@DrREpstein) April 9, 2019 After Bloom published his story at The Daily Caller, a Google spokesperson responded…
The Morning Briefing: AG Barr to Testify Today and Much, Much More
– Here is what’s on the president’s agenda today: The president participates in the arrival of the president of the Arab Republic of … in an expanded working lunch with the president of the Arab Republic of Egypt President Trump participates in the departure of the … From the Daily Caller: Buttigieg and Pence shared a political relationship in Indiana for four years, with Buttigieg serving as the
Why Comey, Clapper, and Brennan Aggressively Pushed RussiaGate Conspiracy Theories…an-aggressively-pushed-russiagate-conspiracy-theories-n64928
The best defense, the saying goes, is a good offense. … For instance, The Daily Caller investigative reporter Luke Rosiak recently discovered a provision in a 2012 Foreign Intelligence Surveillance … Former prosecutor Sidney Powell told The Daily Caller that the language in the 2012 FISA provision was “very concerning.”…
HUD to Crack Down on Illegal Aliens in Public Housing
– What’s the fairest, most humane way to keep illegal aliens from coming to the U.S. in the first place? … Daily Caller: HUD intends to roll out a proposal over the next few weeks that prohibits any illegal immigrant from residing in subsidized … An administration official told the Caller that this is a continuation of the president’s “America First” policies.…
Valerie Jarrett Accused of Manipulating Book Sales to Get On NYT Bestseller List…manipulating-book-sales-to-get-on-nyt-bestseller-list-n65160
– In particular, Amazon is crushing the digital book market. How is the Kindle edition of Jarrett’s book doing? … The Daily Caller notes that that is “enough to rank it highly on the Publishers Weekly chart, but Publishers Weekly did not put it … Matt Margolis is the author of The Scandalous Presidency of Barack Obama and the bestselling The Worst President in History: The
Avenatti Indicted on 36 Counts for Tax Fraud, Embezzlement, Defrauding Paraplegic Client
Daily Caller: The indictment, handed down by a federal grand jury in California, adds to Avenatti’s mounting legal problems. … Yes, but his heart is in the right place and he supports the #MeToo movement. … He was the “Democrats’ Trump,” according to The Atlantic.…
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