Results for: hillary

Embattled Congresswoman Ellmers Tries to Get Colleagues on Trump Train…swoman-ellmers-tries-to-get-colleagues-on-trump-train-n44060
– Ellmers acknowledged there’s “a great dissatisfaction with Hillary Clinton and, yes, there is with Donald Trump as well — but I think…
Sanders Defiant After Winning Oregon, Splitting Delegates in Kentucky…after-winning-oregon-splitting-delegates-in-kentucky-n44059
– Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) struck a defiant tone against Hillary Clinton on Tuesday night as he defeated the former secretary of State … “Hillary Clinton’s seemingly pathological need to mislead voters, her reckless conduct as secretary of state now under FBI investigation … “Too much is at stake in our country to turn the White House over to Hillary Clinton and her corrupt cronies.”…
Bill Kristol Isn't a 'Renegade Jew.' Just a Sore Loser Throwing a Tantrum…negade-jew-just-a-sorehead-throwing-a-public-tantrum-n132106
Hillary Clinton, by contrast, surrounded herself with advisors openly hostile to Israel.  … Remarkably, Kristol’s neo-conservatives prefer Hillary Clinton. That should confuse the conspiracy theorists. … Kristol has said that he won’t support Hillary, but threatens to mount a third-party effort if Trump is nominated — which would draw…
Forget NATO. Trump Should Defund the UN
– Now it’s certain this suggestion—defunding the UN—would be treated with (feigned) uncomprehending derision by Hillary and even more…
Memo to Trump: to Beat Hillary, Emulate Sanders
– With Donald Trump creeping up on Hillary Clinton in the national polls, attention has rightly turned to the state-by-state fights, … Paul Sperry at the New York Post has the numbers: Hillary Clinton shouldn’t be so quick to write off her recent string of Rust Belt … And Trump can also make Hillary spend valuable time and money defending places like New York State, where he’ll cream her upstate and…
EPA Administrator: ‘Coal Is Not Competitive’
– Presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump and Democratic presidential frontrunner Hillary Clinton have shared different perspectives…
Bergdahl Court Martial Pushed Back to February, 2017
Hillary Clinton was not in office when the prisoner swap occurred, but her ties to the administration would have made it fairly easy…
Did Hillary Clinton Just Doom the 'Ghostbusters' Remake by Booking the Cast with Ellen DeGeneres?…ters-remake-by-booking-the-cast-with-ellen-degeneres-n163495
– When news broke on Tuesday that Hillary Clinton will be appearing with the new all-female team of spook sleuths on Ellen DeGeneres, … Next Page: How Hillary Clinton is the “strong female character” of politics. … Hillary Clinton — the secretary of State who used a private server to hide her dealings from the American people, the first lady who…
Bernie: 'Nonsense' to Call Supporters Violent After Nevada Convention Chaos…call-supporters-violent-after-nevada-convention-chaos-n44056
– The party said Sanders had 2,124 delegate slots to the convention and Hillary Clinton had 1,722 delegate slots, but Clinton only had … 27 delegate positions vacant on Saturday while Sanders left 462 vacant — giving Hillary a 33-delegate victory.…
This Is Why Ted Cruz Should Not Endorse Donald Trump
– think Cruz genuinely believes (as I do) that Donald Trump will end up as a disaster, either because he will hand the election to Hillary
Marco Rubio Mocks Media Reporting with Epic Tweetfest
– It could easily apply to both likely Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton (who has been out of public office for four years) and presumptive…
Pelosi: Trump Was 'a Gentleman and Lovely' When They First Met
– Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) defeating Hillary Clinton in his state’s primary was the “craziest thing” he has ever seen, adding that voters…
'Centrist' Democrats: President Trump? No Problem!
– Heidi Heitkamp (D-N.D.), who has long backed Hillary Clinton. “If he’s president, we’re going to have disagreement.…
Curt Schilling Writes Detailed Blog Post Endorsing Trump
– Via Given his expressed views on politics and Hillary Clinton, it may not be surprising who Curt Schilling is supporting … Schilling’s third point is one that people making the case for Trump may want to add to the tired talking point mix (“SCARY HILLARY
Think Things Are Bad on the Right? Look to Your Left
– She’s sinking in the polls, and she’s probably going to get skunked in Kentucky tomorrow, but believe it or not, Hillary Clinton and … He has pledged to support Hillary Clinton if she wins the Democratic nomination and has ripped Donald Trump at every opportunity. … The fact is, Hillary is a terrible candidate, whose numbers take a dive the more the public sees of her.…
Taking the Fight to ISIS...
– And don’t forget that Libya is considered a foreign policy success for former SecState Hillary Clinton.…
Is Facebook Afraid of a Trump Presidency?
– If it looked like Bernie Sanders, or even Hillary, was going to win, would he even have this meeting?…
The 'New York Times' Takes on The Donald—and Falls Flat On Its Face
– New York Times Oh-So Concerned that Hillary Clinton May Be Running Against a Womanizer That’s it.…
As Polls Tighten, Unease Grips Dowager Empress's Chappaqua Throne Room
– A new Reuters head-to-head national general-election poll of likely voters puts Hillary Clinton’s lead over Donald Trump at a mere … Some Bernie Sanders supporters who are going to come around to Hillary once she’s the official Democratic nominee might still be telling … That’s putting it bluntly, but vulgarity aside, it’s also one of the big problems Hillary is going to have.…
Feminists Outraged CBS Cuts 'Nancy Drew' Show Because It Skews 'Too Female'…cbs-cuts-nancy-drew-show-because-it-skews-too-female-n163483
– numerous influential women, such as Supreme Court Justices Sandra Day O’Connor and Sonia Sotomayor to likely Democratic nominee Hillary
7 Obituaries Asking People to Vote Against Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton…g-people-to-vote-against-donald-trump-hillary-clinton-n44050
– In this campaign cycle, the requests focus on presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump or likely Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton … Her family recalled that, before she died, Fydrych herself requested, “In lieu of flowers, please do not vote for Hillary Clinton.” … His obituary featured this political statement: “The family respectfully asks that you do not vote for Hillary Clinton in 2016.…
State GOP Parties Bury #NeverTrump Movement
– A few die hards were elected as delegates to the convention, but the prospect of a Hillary Clinton presidency, like hanging, has focused … The argument that Trump may be flawed but he’s worlds better than Hillary Clinton has apparently won over most of the party, which … They are not likely to abandon their disgust of the candidate, even if an appeal is made to them that paints Hillary Clinton as the…
What's Right About #NeverTrump
– I have heard the argument that a non-vote for Trump is a vote for Hillary, and I actually think it has more moral weight than the # … Hillary is a nightmare — a deeply corrupt leftist whose heart seems empty of everything but the will to power — whereas Trump is a … What makes Trump especially repugnant to me — repugnant enough to make even the unacceptable Hillary slightly less unacceptable — is…
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