Results for: VP TO TRUMP

The Morning Briefing: Disney's LGBQTWXYZ Frenzy Sows Division in the Company Family…gbqtwxyz-frenzy-sows-division-in-the-company-family-n1583460
– It’s best to not inquire as to the origins of the meat served at an inexpensive buffet. … Click here to subscribe and use the promo code FAKENEWS to get the 25% discount. … Read Explicit Content Served Up to Students Trump Sticks It to Stormy Daniels in Court When he’s right…Gingrich: Kamala Harris…
Insanity Wrap: Kamala Harris, Mystic Voyager Through Time and Space
– So when you think about it, there is great significance to the passage of time in terms of what we need to do to lay these wires, what … we need to do to create these jobs. … The soon-to-be-released book — This Will Not Pass: Trump, Biden, and the Battle for America’s Future — is by two New York Times reporters…
Was Trump's Endorsement of J.D. Vance for Senate a Mistake?…has-ties-to-kasich-doesnt-make-a-whole-lot-of-sense-n1590779
– Over the weekend news broke that Trump has endorsed J.D. Vance in the Ohio Senate race to replace retiring Republican Sen. … The fence-mending is all fine and good, but Vance has deeper problems that Trump seems to have ignored or dismissed. … nod, despite his constant genuflecting to Trump and his increasingly bizarre behavior on the campaign trail.…
[WATCH] Comedians Mock Joe Biden on Saudia Arabia TV
Trump took the cognitive test and passed with flying colors. Why won’t Biden agree to take one? … Perhaps they know it hits too close to home? … ’t want you to see.…
Why Are Democrats So Enthusiastically Dedicated to Baby Murder?
– From Joe Biden to Kamala Harris to Nancy Pelosi, Democrats are mourning last year’s Supreme Court overturn of Roe v. … exclaimed the VP. … to offer options.…
Can We Move on From the Trump/Kennedy Unity Ticket Delusion?
– As the current frontrunner for the GOP nomination, there has long been speculation as to whom Donald Trump might pick as his running … If she’s not available to be Trump’s VP that Bobby Kennedy would be, I think, an excellent choice for President Trump to consider.’ … So let’s put this silly fantasy to bed.…
Ron DeSantis Proclaims Potential Running Mate
– Kim Reynolds as his VP. DeSantis and others defended Reynolds after Fmr. Pres. Trump called her out for not endorsing him. … Keeping that in mind, I decided to pull my endorsement for Trump.” Reichman switched his support to Ron DeSantis. … So far, it seems like Trump is doing whatever he can to help DeSantis win over Iowa voters.…
Deadly Testimony: Hunter's Business Partner Will Swear Joe Biden Was on Dozens of Their Business Calls…ear-joe-biden-was-on-dozens-of-their-business-calls-n1713638
– the ‘Big Guy,’ a term understood to be a reference to Joe Biden.” … Does that equate to criminal activity? … President Trump was impeached for asking Ukraine to get to the bottom of it all. You saw what happened to him.…
The Morning Briefing: Commie Sad Grandma Hillary Clinton Is Even Drunker Than We Thought…dma-hillary-clinton-is-even-drunker-than-we-thought-n1717043
– The question plaguing Clinton is “how our democracy became so susceptible to a would-be strongman and demagogue” like Donald Trump. … Once again, big props to President Trump for keeping this woman away from the launch codes. … Hillary Clinton Wants to Save Me from Loneliness, and Honestly I’d Just Rather Die of It Trump Lawyer Welcomes Pence to Testify in…
Report: Trump May Have Settled on a Running Mate for Potential 2024 Bid…ve-settled-on-a-running-mate-for-potential-2024-bid-n1601198
– “There is a part of Trump who thinks he needs a female VP. … Trump, a life-long New York resident, officially switched his residency to Florida in 2019. … I’m not so sure, but there’s plenty of time and plenty of options for Trump to consider.…
Contenders and Pretenders: Ranking the GOP Candidates
– aversion to him. … A caution to the other candidates: keep your cockamamie ideas on sexuality to yourselves. … The Donald won’t commit to the Republican Party and I won’t commit to him if he’s the nominee.…
Hillary Clinton, Reactionary
– his dutiful VP. … in the fashion they had flocked to “hope and change.” … If Obama icon-ed his way to the White House, why cannot she?…
My Prediction: A Cruz-Rubio Ticket
– Cruz is the likeliest person to inherit the 58% anti-Establishment vote once the Trump-Carson-Fiorina euphoria fades. … If I read him correctly, he has paced himself, allowing Donald Trump to grab the headlines, tipping his hat to this wild man of the … There’s a case against Cruz, to be sure.…
The Morning Briefing: Kavanaugh Vote Approaches and Much, Much More
– Ford Refuted Many Of The Claims She Made Under Oath GOP senator going to daughter’s wedding regardless of Kavanaugh vote Trump … allow medical marijuana in Utah Melania Trump feeds elephant in Kenya Report details ‘vulnerabilities’ in industries vital to … $1.1M JURNALIZM Trump climbed the steps of Air Force One with a thin piece of paper stuck to his shoe At least 10 decapitated…
Gore: Jet Stream 'Getting Loopier and Wavier,' So 'We Have a Global Emergency'…ing-loopier-and-wavier-so-we-have-a-global-emergency-n118102
– concluded there’s currently a 12-year window to make “far-reaching and unprecedented changes” to avert dramatic effects of global … The IPCC report said that to keep warming at 1.5°C global net emissions of carbon dioxide would need to fall by 45 percent by 2030 … polls and send a message to President Trump to, calm down, don’t be so crazy, don’t be so harmful to our country,” he said.…
Republicans Condemn Political Violence After Secret Service Intercepts Bombs Sent to Clinton, Obama…secret-service-intercepts-bombs-sent-to-clinton-obama-n61744
– Those responsible will be brought to justice. … — Vice President Mike Pence (@VP) October 24, 2018 “Those behind such reprehensible acts must be brought to justice. … “We can’t allow these acts to escalate to what we saw last year on the baseball field.”…
The Morning Briefing: Fusion GPS Strikes Deal, Texas Update and Much, Much More
– Testifying voluntarily, Levy said, gives Simpson “the ability to appear with counsel, to assert privileges and to answer questions … VP Pence was in Texas yesterday saying the Air Force was quickly reviewing the mistakes that allowed this monster to acquire firearms … (AP Photo) Other morsels: Trump Tells China He Believes in a Solution to the North Korea Nuclear Crisis Saudi government to confiscate…
The Morning Briefing: Possible Deep State Coup, Nat. Sec. Strategy Preview and Much, Much More…le-deep-state-coup-nat-sec-strategy-preview-much-much-n55083
Trump will depart the White House for Quantico, VA, en route to the FBI National Academy, where he will participate in the FBI National … take action to make sure that Donald Trump does not get elected president of the United States at the highest levels of the Federal … official action to create an ‘insurance policy’ against a Trump presidency,” Grassley wrote Thursday.…
Hidden Motives Behind the Huge GOP Primary
– There Are Many Reasons to Run for President On Monday, former Virginia Governor Jim Gilmore became the 17th Republican to announce … Many of these candidates may still be running to win — but also to gain something else. … From the libertarian wing of Rand Paul supporters, to the immigration-reform backers of Marco Rubio, to the right-to-work crowd behind…
Kerry: Obama, Trump Had 'Good Conversation' About Parts of Iran Deal That 'Should be Held Onto'…on-about-parts-of-iran-deal-that-should-be-held-onto-n105629
– Kerry also indicated that he thinks voices such as that of President Obama and a certain former VP are getting through to Trump and … change the unwavering commitment of the United States to these ideals or to our NATO obligations.” … “So I can’t begin to guess and I’m not going to try to guess.…
Biden in 2020? Is the Democrats' Bench That Shallow?
VP Joe Biden: "Yeah, I'm going to run in 2020."Reporter: "For what?"Biden: "For president! What the hell, man?" … Finally some hope to hold onto. … run — to ensure another 4 years of Trump.…
Adorable: 'Super Kaheem' Saves Santa, Captures the Grinch
– Kaheem is almost to the National Harbor to save Santa! … Kaheem has arrived to the @NationalHarbor Ferris Wheel to save SANTA! … 🍕PIZZA TO THE RESCUE🍕After all,even heroes need fuel to help defend the city.…
Pennsylvania Republican Vows to Hit Sanctuary Campuses Where It Hurts
– back to the United States before Trump takes office. … “(Trump) is going to take away all the executive orders under President Obama, so it’s very likely that the DACA students may be undocumented … support an effort to ensure DACA continues after President-elect Trump takes his right hand off the Bible and moves into the White…
Van Jones Says Muslim Keith Ellison Is Future of the Democratic Party
– “On thing that happened, when Hillary Clinton had a chance to make a VP pick, she didn’t pick someone from the progressive wing, which … According to an election post-mortem study by Barna Group, President-elect Donald Trump won every single Christian demographic, while … Election Post-Mortem: Biblical Christians Didn’t Propel Trump to Victory…
Trump Dubs Schumer a 'Clown'; Biden Tells Trump 'Time to Be an Adult'
– I think I was the first person that ever contributed to Chuck Schumer,” Trump told the New York Times on Nov. 23. … In 2010, Trump made multiple donations to Schumer’s Senate re-election campaign totaling $4,000. … On PBS News Hour tonight, Vice President Joe Biden started a new line of attack that’s sure to draw a Trump tweet or two.…
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