Results for: hillary

More Trouble for Hillary: Now NSA Gets Into the Act
– As if Hillary Clinton isn’t in enough trouble over her “homebrew” email server and other examples of her deliberate flouting of American … refusing to address the question at all in a recent debate, led to speculation about a backroom deal with the White House to shield Hillary … Neither is the FBI the only powerful Federal agency that Hillary Clinton needs to worry about as she plots her path to the White House…
Does Any 2016 Presidential Candidate Understand the Freedom of Speech?…esidential-candidate-understand-the-freedom-of-speech-n93786
– But unless they take on the Leftist policies of Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton, they are judged to be creating that “environment … Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders? Forget it.…
Dems in Panic Over Hillary Candidacy: 'Our Nominee Is a Disaster'
– Also, if you can’t fathom the possibility of Donald Trump winning, then keep in mind that most Americans don’t trust or like Hillary … In 10 out of 10 national polls regarding favorability, Hillary Clinton has negative favorability ratings nationally in all 10. … I called Donald Trump a clown and buffoon when I appeared on CNN, but Hillary Clinton in many ways is worse. Why?…
New Front in the Trump-Cruz Battle: Jim Carrey Films
– The caption read, “Who should star in a reboot of Liar Liar-Hillary Clinton, or Ted Cruz? Let me know.” … Who should star in a reboot of Liar Liar- Hillary Clinton or Ted Cruz? Let me know. A photo posted by Donald J.…
Shocker: White Men Don't Support Hillary
– a woman who dislikes men and white men in particular, it’s no wonder you get this (from the NYT): White men narrowly backed Hillary
Franklin Graham: Vote for the 'Least Heathen' Candidate
– Democrat frontrunner Hillary Clinton is not much better. … A former Obama intelligence chief even called for Hillary to bow out of the presidential race due to her email scandal, which Hillary … These partially veiled references to Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, and Bernie Sanders left two notable gaps.…
Clinton Aide Copied Top Secret/Special Intel 'Word for Word'
– John Schindler has the big scoop: I can confirm that the contents of Sid Blumenthal’s June 8, 2011 email to Hillary Clinton, sent … Hillary Clinton belongs in jail, and so does her slime-master, Sid Blumenthal. UPDATE: More from Jazz Shaw. … Is there any reason that they won’t do the same with Hillary Clinton herself? Read the whole thing.…
Did Lindsey Graham Just Endorse Ted Cruz?
– These comments echoed Cruz’s own attacks on the real estate tycoon, who previously gave money to Democrats like John Kerry and Hillary
Hillary Clinton Tried to Change Rules so She Could Use BlackBerry in Secure Facilities…rules-so-she-could-use-blackberry-in-secure-facility-n45879
– New documents from the State Department obtained by Judicial Watch show that Hillary Clinton wanted to change existing security protocols…
Harvard Prof Gates: Hillary Should Study Trump Supporters
– Harvard University professor and civil right activist Henry Louis Gates, Jr., urged Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton … “It’s not an exact analogy, but I think if I were adviser to Hillary Clinton, whom I support and is a very good friend, I would say…
Who Needs an Open GOP Convention?
– A Cruz-Kasich victory against Hillary is then unlikely, even more unlikely against Joe Biden.  …
Donald Trump Is Responsible for the Violence Sparked by His Rhetoric
– room for those who are opposed to violence but are also beginning to buy into the false dichotomy that “if we don’t support Trump, Hillary
GOP Must Destroy Itself to Save Its Soul
– And what of one nation, under Hillary? … Hillary will be a terrible, awful president, but the republic is resilient enough to survive her far-left liberalism, much of which…
Boehner Endorses...Paul Ryan?
– they would be satisfied with him as the nominee, well below the 62 percent to 85 percent of Democrats who would be content with Hillary
The Great Fear
– With Sanders’ crusade folding before the Hillary juggernaut his followers will have no political vehicle of their own.  …
Sen. Hatch: Trump or Cruz Would Have 'Rough Time' Against Either Dem
– If Hillary Clinton wins the Democratic nomination, Hatch, president pro tempore of the Senate, said she would have most of the media … I’m not sure the Democrat is going to be Hillary Clinton, but if it is Hillary Clinton she is going to have a lot of the media in this…
New Trump Ad Will Make Liberals Barking Mad!
– Posted by Rush Limbaugh on Wednesday, March 16, 2016 This new Trump ad asks the question of whether Hillary Clinton is the leader…
Gary Johnson Thinks He's Natural Fit for Third-Party Seekers
– Responding to an ABC News poll that 37 percent of GOP voters would consider a third party if Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump were…
Megyn Kelly Reminds Debbie Wasserman Schultz That Hillary Might be Indicted…bbie-wasserman-schultz-that-hillary-might-be-indicted-n82215
– Fox News’ Megyn Kelly reminded DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz that no matter how crazy the Republican side of the aisle looks, that the GOP candidate isn’t under FBI investigation.
Kasich Camp: Ohio Victory 'Reset the Race'; Heavyweight Advisers Added
– Kasich will defeat Hillary Clinton in an Electoral College landslide, sweeping in Republicans from the courthouse to the Senate. … The other candidates would lose to Hillary Clinton in dramatic fashion and cost us seats in down-ballot races from California to Maine…
The Top Five Most Vulnerable GOP Senate Seats
– New Hampshire is one of the states where a landslide presidential victory for the Democrats (signified by the kind of poll lead Hillary
It's a Bird! It's a Plane! It's Super Tuesday III!
Hillary Clinton on why both she and Trump should not be president. … All these @HillaryClinton lemmings are yelling HILLARY, HILLARY. I’m yelling at the TV IN-DITE-MENT! … Hoarse Hillary says it’s not just a Tuesday, but a “Super Tuesday.”…
Hillary to Chris Matthews: 'We Didn't Lose a Single Person' in Libya
– The first is that Chris Matthews may be pressing Hillary harder with his questioning than any other debate or town hall moderator has…
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