Results for: the daily caller

Rep. Schiff Falls for Prank Call from Russian Comedians Promising Naked Pics of Trump…ank-call-russian-comedians-promising-naked-pics-trump-n56119
– ‘And what’s the nature of the Kompromat?’ asked Schiff. ‘Well, there were pictures of naked Trump,’ said the caller. … The caller told Schiff to use the secret password “The weather is good on Deribasivska” the next time he talks to Trump and to “look … “Yes, correct,” the prank caller replied.…
Hypocrisy: The Left Attacks Founders' Racism, but Whitewashes Its Own Cherished Figures
– Over at The Daily Caller, Peter Flaherty, president of the National Legal and Policy Center, argues that they should: In 1867, Muir … Because Muir is the founder of the Sierra Club. … As the founder of a group Leftists love, Muir has been immune from the criticisms leveled against our Founding Fathers.…
5 Times Democrats Should Have Stood and Clapped During Trump's State of the Union — But Didn't…nd-clapped-during-trumps-state-of-the-union-but-didnt-n55991
The Daily Caller fit this remarkable rejection into their video — toward the end. … Toward the end of the speech, President Trump waxed eloquent on the U.S. Capitol Building. … “I was born in 1953 in the U.S. when separate but equal was the law of the land.…
Trump and Pence to Speak at CPAC 2018 Amid the Usual Controversies
The 2018 Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC), set to begin this Wednesday at the Gaylord National Harbor resort on the … Before Nunes’ speech, several star journalists who have been reporting on the FISAGate scandal will have the floor of the Potomac Ballroom …   Fox News Contributor Sara Carter, Chuck Ross of The Daily Caller, and Byron York of the Washington Examiner.    …
Judge Orders Mueller to Provide Flynn’s Attorneys With 'Any Exculpatory Evidence'
– But as Powell pointed out in The Daily Caller, “people who are innocent enter guilty pleas every day.” … The standing order also directed the government to submit information to the court “which is favorable to the defendant but which thethe same.…
Like Father Like Son: Alexander Soros Donates $650K to Democratic Committees and Campaigns…er-soros-donates-650k-democratic-committees-campaigns-n56303
– Alex poured $101,700 into the DNC’s headquarters account and $33,900 was provided to the committee for the general election. … Chuck Schumer (D., N.Y.), the Daily Caller reported last year. … The question is, how relevant will billionaires like the Kochs and the Soroses be in the future?…
Eco-Terrorist: I Fear Climate Change More Than Prison
– to break the law. … As The Daily Caller reported: Emily Johnston, an editor and a poet from Seattle, joined several other activists from Seattle and … There’s a saying: “If you can’t do the time, don’t do the crime.” We clearly need to make it so no one will want to do the time.…
Rep. Jordan: 'The Swamp Won' on Budget Deal
The Daily Caller: “This was not consistent with what the American people elected us to do. … Earlier last week the House sent the same bill, the exact same bill to the Senate except we did one thing different. … We funded the military for the entire year,” Jordan said.…
Three Dem Congressmen Attend Private Dinner With Farrakhan and Iran's Rouhani
– It first appeared in 2013 in the Nation of Islam publication The Final Call shortly after the dinner hosted by Rouhani But Farrakhan … He happens to be the vice chair of the Democratic National Committee. … The Daily Caller: Ellison, Meeks and Carson’s attendance at the 2013 dinner is just the latest tie between Democratic members of…
The Morning Briefing: Kill the NRA, Mueller Gets Another One and Much, Much More
– Here’s what’s on the President’s agenda today: The President receives his daily intelligence briefing President Trump discusses the … Economic Report of the President with the Council of Economic Advisers The President has lunch with the Administrator of the Small … The Daily Caller writes: Donald Trump received the most retweets in 2016 overall, at 578, while Democratic candidate Bernie Sanders…
The Morning Briefing: Gun Control Talk Continues, Mueller Eyes Jared, and Much, Much More
– Here is what’s on the President’s agenda today: President Trump receives his daily intelligence briefing Afterwards, the President … The media continues to overlook the failure of the FBI to act upon a specific tip warning the agency that the Florida shooter was … “Under established protocols,” the FBI said, “the information provided by the caller should have been assessed as a potential threat…
Study: Climate Change May Cause More Heart Attacks
– In this case, the greater the temperature swing, the greater the supposed risk for a heart attack. … Hitinder] Gurm cautioned that the association does not necessarily prove that sudden temperature swings are the cause of the increase … But, as Michael Bastach at The Daily Caller notes, “The study predicted twice as many heart attacks on a hot summer day with a 63 to…
The Top Five Obama Administration Officials Who Used Secret Email Accounts
– Last year, David Usborne of The Independent said of the Trump administration, “This may, in fact, be the most transparent White House … What was the fake identity used for? The fake persona hid emails regarding the Clinton email investigation. … According to Chuck Ross at The Daily Caller, “Lynch corresponded with DOJ press officials to hammer out talking points in response…
Linda Sarsour, CAIR Leaders Arrested for Stunt at Paul Ryan's Office
– As The Daily Caller noted: Sarsour’s arrest comes after Asmi Fathelbab accused her of covering for the man who allegedly sexually … Fathelbab told The Daily Caller in December that her coworker Majed Seif had rubbed her crotch without her consent and had stalked … She maintains that Sarsour, then the executive director of the group, covered for him.…
Former Trump Associate to Defy Subpoena from Mueller's Russia Grand Jury
Daily Caller: Tapper asked, “You’re not going?” “I’m not going to the grand jury. … But the entire Mueller investigation has degenerated into a classic witch hunt, looking for Russians under the bed and in the closet … acts against the government and people of the United States.…
Dem Rep Finally Admits Relationship with Farrakhan
– Davis told the Daily Caller last month that he regularly meets with Farrakhan, but his office claimed to the Anti-Defamation League … But when pressed by the Daily Caller again, Davis came clean — proudly. “I’m a pretty global individual. … Keith Ellison does, who is the vice chairman of the Democratic Party.…
Holder Thinks Mueller Already Has Obstruction Case Against Trump
The Daily Caller: Mueller is holding back on charging Trump until he can make sure he has the president dead-to-rights, Holder, who … Constitution gives the president authority to fire the FBI director at any time and for any reason. … Mueller’s job is to find an impeachable offense for his clients, the Democrats and the media.…
Double Standard for Public School Teachers Who Hold Extremist Views
– a kid who came from Sweden are supposed to learn exactly the same” and have the “same IQ.”  … But what is rarely discussed — certainly not on the HuffPost website — are the dozens of public school teachers around the country … The Daily Caller reported on the Antifa infiltration of public schools last September: By Any Means Necessary, which has played a…
Armed School Employee Took on Maryland School Shooter
The Daily Caller: The Great Mills High School student who injured two others Tuesday morning was stopped by the school’s armed resource … “When the shooting took place, our school resource officer who was stationed inside the school was alerted to the event and the shots … “He pursued the shooter, engaged the shooter, during which that engagement he fired a round at the shooter.”…
The Morning Briefing: Trump's Opioid Speech, Mueller Drama and Much, Much More
– Trump took the opportunity to hit the Democrats on DACA. … In a stinging January interview with The Daily Caller, diGenova accused the top leadership in the Obama Justice Department of “plotting … Historical picture of the day: The dome in the crater of Mount St.…
Two Million Get Off Food Stamps During Trump's First Year
– One of the persistent narratives from the Left about President Donald Trump is that he supposedly hates the disadvantaged. … Per the USDA, which oversees the food stamp program: “Federal spending for SNAP totaled $68.0 billion or 4 percent less than in the … As The Daily Caller reports: Thirteen Alabama counties saw food stamp use drop 85 percent between January and May 2017 once work…
McCabe Suggests He Was Fired to Undermine Mueller Investigation
Daily Caller: “The idea that I was dishonest is just wrong. … He resigned from the FBI after a soon-to-be-released report by DoJ’s inspector general on the handling by the Bureau of the Clinton … The IG apparently wondered the same thing.…
Death of Another Putin Foe Being Investigated as a Homicide
– Prime Minister Theresa May will expel 23 Russian diplomats because of the responsibility for the attack being placed on the Russian … The Daily Caller: A special autopsy conducted Thursday determined the cause to be “compression to the neck,” Metropolitan police … As a result, the agency’s Counter Terrorism Command, which has led the investigation from the beginning, is now treating Glushkov’s…
GOP Resolution Pressures Dems to Denounce anti-Semitic Nation of Islam Leader Louis Farrakhan…unce-anti-semitic-nation-islam-leader-louis-farrakhan-n56756
– state representative, a race he lost after failing to gain the endorsement of the Democratic Party in the state, known as the DFL. … in the Nation of Islam at the time.” … Maxine Waters has met with Farrakhan at least twice since taking office, according to The Daily Caller.  …
Report: Obama Campaign Hired Fusion GPS in 2012 to Dig up Dirt on Romney and Donors
– Mitt Romney, The Daily Caller reports. … “The message from the man who controls the Justice Department (which can indict you), the SEC (which can fine you), and the IRS (which … as “a bitter foe of the gay rights movement” on the Obama website (titled “Keeping the GOP Honest”).…
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