Results for: the daily caller

University Raked in Millions of Taxpayer Dollars With Fake Climate Research Scheme…ayer-dollars-with-fake-climate-change-research-scheme-n48645
– Over the weekend, the Daily Mail published an explosive investigation into the fraud committed by CCCEP and what it calls the theft … As the Daily Mail reports, On Friday, the CCCEP … will host a gala at the Royal Society in London in the peer’s honour. … In its report on the CCCEP controversy, The Daily Caller described how this fraud is perpetrated: Studies that receive financial…
Cops Call Pipeline Protest 'Riot,' While Tribe Decries 'Strong-Arm Tactics'…riot-while-tribe-calls-it-strong-arm-tactics-by-cops-n104980
The sheriff’s department released a YouTube video over the weekend in which the protesters are warned to break down the barricade they … After the arrests of 10 people standing outside the disabled vehicle and the four who had attached themselves to the truck, Niewind … and law enforcement officials from jurisdictions along the pipeline route One source told the Daily Caller that Lynch also ordered…
Clown Round-Up: Creepy Clown Sightings Reported in Nearly Every State
– Via the Daily Mirror: The unfortunate man trod on the deadly trap after scaring residents in Samraong in northwestern Cambodia. … The Weber County Sheriff’s Office released the 911 calls reporting the clown threat on Friday. … One 911 caller wasn’t fooled by the plastic machete. “He had a creepy mask on,” the 911 caller told the dispatcher.…
Hillary Deleted Email Showing She Sent Chelsea Classified Information
– Via The Daily Caller: The Dec. 20, 2009 email chain, entitled “Update,” started with a message from Michael Froman, who served as … All of the text in the body portion of the classified emails is redacted because it contains foreign government information. … The State Department labeled the email a “near duplicate,” indicating that it was mostly similar to other emails that the agency has…
Top Justice Department Official Overseeing Clinton Probe Is Close Friend of Podesta…l-overseeing-clinton-probe-is-close-friend-of-podesta-n48735
– Via the Washington Examiner: Emails made public by WikiLeaks over the past several weeks raise fresh questions about the Justice … Via the Daily Caller: As deputy chief of staff to Clinton in 1996, Podesta asked then-United Nations ambassador Bill Richardson to … at the time.…
Feel Safe? Here Are 3 Times Hillary Apparently Took Bribes From Terror Funders…es-hillary-apparently-took-bribes-from-terror-funders-n94663
The Islamic State is not the only questionable recipient of Saudi and Qatari largesse, according to the Daily Caller: Qatar has given … condition upon which the Moroccans agreed to host the meeting was her participation. … The King has personally committed approx $12 million both for the endowment and to support the meeting.…
WikiLeaks: Former State Dept. Official Says 'Every G*d D*mn Cabinet Officer and WH Staff Uses Their Gmail Account’…cabinet-officer-and-wh-staff-uses-their-gmail-account-n48728
– Via the Daily Caller: Nides, who served in the State Department from 2011 to 2013 while Clinton was secretary of state, wrote to … The recurring problem has plagued the State Department, the EPA, the IRS and other agencies, underscoring concerns that the Obama administration … In January of 2013, Lisa Jackson, the controversial head of the EPA, resigned amid the “Richard Windsor” email scandal.…
The Media is Really Angry About Trump's Election
The Daily Caller says the mainstream media is going through all the stages of grief, and the second one is anger. … TRUMPED MEDIA Stages of Grief #2: ANGER Donald Trump STUNNED the media with his big win.Here's #2 in the media's stages of grief:…
White House Won't Rule Out Clinton Pardon
– White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest failed to give a clear yes or no answer at the daily White House Press Briefing when asked … Meanwhile, according to The Daily Caller, it is full steam ahead for the Clinton Foundation probe in five FBI offices across the nation … matters now is working on the case, The Daily Caller News Foundation’s Investigative Group has learned.…
Cops Say Couple with New Black Panther Party Ties Wanted to Ambush Cops
Daily Caller: Zachary Edwards, 35, and Raphel Dilligard, 34, of Birmingham are officially charged with making terrorist threats, … The first responding unit included members of the FBI and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF). … The BLM movement and the New Black Panther Party are the sharp end of the stick for Democrats and will no doubt play a growing role…
Past Performance Is No Guarantee Of Future Results
– like the ‘n’-word public forums. … ” — “National Journal’s Hirsh: Time for a moral sanction against gun metaphors similar to the ‘N’ word,” Jeff Poor, the Daily Caller … As I wrote at the time here at Ed, nobody tell Hirsh all of the “racial metaphors” in use every day on the NFL Channel…
Police Soak Freezing Pipeline Protesters in Thousands of Gallons of Water…pipeline-protesters-in-thousands-of-gallons-of-water-n105378
– “The main targets are the banks funding the Dakota Access Pipeline and the Sheriff Departments,” the Sacred Stone Camp’s Facebook post … The Daily Caller reported reinforcements are on the way from the Border Patrol. … source told the Daily Caller.…
Did Whoopi Goldberg Lie About Leaving the Country?
The Daily Caller thinks they might have caught Whoopi Goldberg in a lie about whether she’d leave the country if Trump was elected … Whoopi Goldberg claims she never said she'd leave the country if Donald Trump won the presidency. Is she LYING? … Posted by The Daily Caller on Wednesday, November 16, 2016…
Twitter Purges Alt-Right Accounts
– At the top of the list is Richard Spencer, president and director of the National Policy Institute, a think tank that focuses on white … Daily Caller: Paul Town, one of the alt-right trolls responsible for feeding Olivia Nuzzi at The Daily Beast a false and outlandish … resulted in the “empowerment of the insurgent political movement of the alt-right who, through a coordinated effort of trolling and…
DNC Chair Candidate Rep. Keith Ellison Met with Hamas Fundraiser Mohammed al-Hanooti…ellison-met-with-hamas-fundraiser-mohammad-al-hanooti-n94801
– Ellison was the keynote speaker at the event. … Last week Chuck Ross at The Daily Caller reported on the appearance of Ellison at the Omeish campaign event, noting that Omeish had … One used the mosque’s address to rent the truck used in the bombing.…
OSU Diversity Officer Urges Compassion for Somali Terrorist Who Attacked Students…compassion-for-somali-terrorist-who-attacked-students-n49130
– She also urged people to “think of the pain he must have been in,” and used the hashtags #BlackLivesMatter and #SayHisName (which BLM … The fact that she urged her friends not to share the Facebook post seems to indicate she understood how negatively her message would … The Daily Caller attempted to contact Thompson, but she was unavailable for comment at press time.…
Actress Catherine Deneuve Being Excoriated for Criticizing #MeToo Movement
– One of the arguments the writers make is that instead of empowering women, the #MeToo and #BalanceTonPorc movements instead serve the … — Colleen Doran (@ColleenDoran) January 9, 2018 The Daily Caller … But not at the cost of penalizing the normal give and take between the sexes that has been part of the human experience for thousands…
Rural America Too 'Violent, Stupid, Racist,' Says Silicon Valley Executive
– of the country. … According to The Daily Caller, Byerley had wrote: “no educated person wants to live in a sh*thole with stupid people.” … in the process.…
Jury Finds for Sheriff David Clarke in Free Speech Case
– As The Daily Caller notes: “The jury disagreed, siding with arguments from Clarke’s lawyer, Charles Bohl. … three TV interviews in the days afterward.” … Black has apparently so bought into the narrative of victimization that he couldn’t see the clear flaw in his claim.…
Walmart Sued for Racial Discrimination Over Locked-Up Beauty Items
– But most of us don’t go the route of Essie Grundy. … According to The Daily Caller, Grundy noted that “we have different textured hair than other people” and that she shouldn’t be treated … For example, if the store is in an area with a higher black population, the popularity of the product alone raises the odds that bad…
Ivanka Trump Gets Blamed for Turning Away Celebrity Chef From Swanky D.C. Party
– She had nothing to do with the guest list and never said anything,” the source told the Washingtonian. … He told Daily Caller reporter Saagar Enjeti that he stood by his story and to “give his regards to Tucker.” … Tell-tale sign that someone has lost an argument with a Daily Caller reporter is when they bring up Tucker. cc @esaagar…
Cop-Hating Antifa Professor No Longer Employed by John Jay College
– Michael Isaacson, the John Jay College professor who gained notoriety last fall after he tweeted “off the pigs” and “dead cops are … good” among other hideous things, no longer has his job according to The Daily Caller. … In a statement to the  Daily Caller News Foundation earlier this week, John Jay College said that Isaacson no longer teaches at the
Report: Source Says FBI Must Now Prove 'Missing Texts' Claim Is Not Bureau Wrongdoing
The source was described by Fox News as a member of the congressional committee investigating the FBI’s handling of the Clinton email … Jim Jordan (@Jim_Jordan) January 21, 2018 “The [Lois] Lerner thing was huge,” Jordan told The Daily Caller on Sunday.  … He told the Caller that the House Judiciary Committee plans to look into the missing texts.…
Study: New Minimum Wage Laws Will Eliminate More Than 260,000 Jobs in 2018
–  Daily Caller: The study, conducted by the free market advocacy group American Action Forum, found that incremental minimum wage … So far, only 12 states and the District of Columbia have jacked up the minimum wage, which is what the study noted above focused on … meets the road?…
FBI Agent (and Former Comey Assistant) Who Wrote NYT Oped About Why He Quit Had Job Already Lined Up at CNN…y-assistant-wrote-nyt-oped-quit-job-already-lined-cnn-n56122
The former FBI agent who wrote an opinion piece in the New York Times on Friday explaining why he was leaving the bureau managed to … The Daily Caller obtained a copy of the farewell party flyer for Campbell. … LOLZ… @johncardillo — Frosty (@FrostyTakes) February 6, 2018 According to the Caller, “the flyer…
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