Results for: VP TO TRUMP

WikiLeaks Bombshell: Clinton Told Kaine He Was VP — in July of 2015
– , D.C. law firm Hogan & Hartson, according to LinkedIn. … Naturally, appealing to Hispanics with a Spanish-speaking VP, especially after Trump’s negative comments about Mexicans got the media … Hillary Clinton’s Insidious Threat to Traditional Christianity  …
Tim Kaine: 'Spanish Was the Language of Our Country Before English'
– Clinton has gone overboard in her attempts to appeal to Latinos, and even the Huffington Post has acknowledged her efforts veer into … Nevertheless, the outreach seems to be working. … According to a recent NBC News/Wall Street Journal/Telemundo poll, Clinton leads Trump among Latinos by a whopping 50 percent.…
Preppers Stockpiling Survival Food in Run-Up to 'Doomsday' Election
– Nor is it limited to just rural areas. … He has to use a pseudonym to protect his supply from any future hungry neighbors, he told NBC News. … Reddie predicts a Trump win that has the urban poor revolting across the nation and the imposition of martial law to quell riots and…
Weld: Trump 'Braying' About Clinton Emails Like 'Monty Python' Witch-Burning Scene…clinton-emails-like-monty-python-witch-burning-scene-n42215
– Clinton to know what the evidentiary basis is on which they made this, you know, update to their investigation. … The VP nominee, who agreed with the July decision not to bring charges against the Democratic presidential nominee, said he thinks … step in, either, you know, Attorney General Lynch has to do what she doesn’t want to do, which is order him to stand down.…
Customers Burn New Balance Sneakers to Protest Trump
– New Balance: “The Obama admin turned a deaf ear to us & frankly w/ Pres-Elect Trump we feel things are going to move in the right direction … “New Balance: ‘The Obama admin turned a deaf ear to us & frankly w/ Pres-Elect Trump we feel things are going to move in the right … , Bernie Sanders, and Donald Trump prior to election day that focused on American manufacturing job creation and we continue to support…
4 Reasons the Polls Weren't as Wrong as You Think
– According to results so far, third-party candidates took a small percentage of these voters, while Trump seemed to have attracted a … Is Trump Actually Ahead in Early Voting? Next Page: The American Brexit and why Trump voters lied to pollsters. 4. … for Trump due to the social backlash.…
'Hamilton' Actor on Trump Demand: 'There Is Nothing to Apologize for'
– President-elect Donald Trump fired off a tweetstorm to the Hamilton cast: Our wonderful future V.P. … Dixon said the Hamilton cast would “absolutely” welcome Trump to the show. … Asked if he would apologize to Pence as Trump demanded, the actor replied, “There is nothing to apologize for.”…
Cast of Broadway's 'Hamilton' Makes Pence Early Frontrunner for 2024
– had the chance to speak truth to power, the drooling fans saw it differently. … Republicans who didn’t support Trump this year are starting to realize what a bullet the country dodged by not letting the hysteria-mongers … If so, Trump may not even have to campaign to win re-election in a landslide in 2020 and Pence can probably start on 2024 Oval Office…
Was Trump’s Deal with Carrier Crony Capitalism?
Trump & VP-elect Pence to keep close to 1,000 jobs in Indy. … Donald Trump decided to use it as a major talking point, threatening to tax every Mexican-built Carrier unit at a rate of 35%. … be a bit disconcerting to most limited-government conservatives who have to be asking, “What was the deal Trump made and why is he…
Christie Wants RNC Chairmanship
– Spokespeople for Trump and Christie didn’t respond to requests for comment. … His loyalty to Trump does need some sort of public acknowledgment. … Chris Christie to Urban Educators: ‘We’re Tired of Paying for Failure’…
What Will Replace Obamacare?
– Indiana (home to VP-elect Pence) Alabama (AG-nominee Sessions) Georgia (HHS nominee Price) Texas (endorsed by Sen. … That would ironically make it an ideal vehicle for states like Vermont or California whose voters are largely opposed to the Trump … Ideally it would be an ideal vehicle for liberals with an unshakable antipathy to the Trump administration the HCC to do healthcare…
President Oprah? She Says Nope, Brah
– Somehow I’ve managed to get through the late 20th and early 21st century without paying attention to Oprah Winfrey for more than 45 … But that’s not going to happen if Oprah has anything to say about it. … It’s not really fair to blame Trump for the era of reality-show presidents, though.…
Biden: U.S. Should Publish Putin’s Net Worth
– According to ABC News, Biden is worth anywhere from $39,000 to $800,000. … Biden said the president reached out to Republicans in order to avoid the appearance of using the information as a political weapon … against then-candidate Trump.…
Olympic Skater Adam Rippon Is Bigoted Against Mike Pence
– Liberals always want to “start a conversation.” They want to “create a dialogue.” … So when he refuses to talk to somebody he loathes, out of nothing but his own bigoted beliefs, they frame it like this: VP Mike Pence … Headed to the Olympics to cheer on #TeamUSA. One reporter trying to distort 18 yr old nonstory to sow seeds of division.…
Biden on 2020: If I Can 'Happily' Walk Away, I Will 'for Real'
– try to do the job or I don’t want to make the effort, then I’ll happily walk away for real. … To win, he said, the Democratic Party has to meet the challenge “to step up and offer concrete answers, which we’re doing.” … They get to get a new faucet. They get to make sure they’re able to pay their insurance,” Biden continued.…
Survey: Widespread Fear Amongst Conservatives at Google, Facebook, Amazon, Apple...…amongst-conservatives-at-google-facebook-amazon-apple-n56044
– are hesitant to engage.” … His manager lied to VPs about his performance to try to get him fired while telling him that he was performing well.” … Another libertarian said, “I refused to consider working for Google after their reaction to the Damore memo.…
5 Things to Know About Brad Parscale, Trump's 2020 Campaign Manager
Trump, or his network, must have appreciated Parscale’s work, as he hired him for digital services to the Trump Winery and the Eric … The Trump campaign. In early 2015, Trump hired Giles-Parscale to create a website for his exploratory campaign. … had to defend the Trump campaign’s social media efforts and explain that the Russian involvement did not contribute to Trump’s victory…
Pastor to Presidents: 13 Presidents Evangelist Billy Graham Ministered To…13-presidents-evangelist-billy-graham-ministered-to-n101468
– Without further ado, here are the photos of Graham after or during his meeting with each president, from Harry Truman to Donald Trump … Franklin Graham: It’s ‘Absurd’ to Blame Charlottesville on Trump, ‘Satan Is Behind It All’ 6. Gerald Ford (1974). … Graham’s words planted the “mustard seed in my soul” that eventually led to a decision to “recommit my heart to Jesus Christ.”…
The Morning Briefing: Strzok Ignored Clinton Server Hack and Much, Much More
– President Trump had enough of his own reasons to deny Romney the secretary of state gig, so I am skeptical of this report. … Erin Burnett to ex-Trump aide: I can smell alcohol on your breath Devin Nunes: ‘We Know Exactly Who Was Getting Information From … to ABC about Joy Behar’s mocking of VP Pence’s faith on ‘The View’ Metaphor alert EXCLUSIVE: Luxurious Newly Renovated CFPB Headquarters…
The Morning Briefing: NRA Meets with Trump, 'Andy's Office' Targeted in DOJ Report and Much, Much More…eets-trump-andys-office-targeted-doj-report-much-much-n56562
– #NRA #MAGA — Chris Cox (@ChrisCoxCap6) March 2, 2018 According to an NRA official, Trump and Pence “don’t want gun control.” … McCabe, 49, authorized FBI officials to speak to the media for articles prior to the 2016 election, including one about an ongoing … his office Trump reportedly wants Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump out of the White House — and John Kelly may be the one to give…
The Morning Briefing: Comey, ABC News Join Forces for Infomercial and Much, Much More
– The reason: Fox News Sanders ‘not aware’ of Trump plans to fire Mueller or Rosenstein Ex-DOJ officials urge Congress to ‘forcefully … respond’ if Trump fires Mueller Trump tried to block Mike Pence from hiring an adviser because Trump believed he was part of the … ‘Never Trump’ movement President Trump Files in Court to Intervene in Michael Cohen FBI Raid Case South Dakota e-commerce sale…
The Libby Pardon Shows Once Again that Trump Is a Stand-Up Guy
Trump issued an Executive Grant of Clemency (Full Pardon) to I. … We got to talking about Trump, and he said, “The one thing we can’t figure out is why Trump moved the embassy to Jerusalem. … Trump has enough trouble of his own to keep him busy. Why do it? Because he’s a stand-up guy.…
Former Obama Staffer Mocks Rand Paul for Getting Beat Up by His Neighbor
To make matters worse, Vietor was defending notorious anti-Trump FBI agents Peter Strzok and Lisa Page, who may still have security … “BREAKING: FBI admits that [Donald Trump] haters still have Top Secret security clearances which allows them to access sensitive private … Even though tests about a “secret society” to oppose Trump may not have been serious, it is indeed a scandal that Strzok and Page have…
CNN Gives Friendly Interview to Iranian Woman Who Said She Would Kill U.S. Hostages in 1979…an-woman-who-said-she-would-kill-u-s-hostages-in-1979-n71978
– pallets of cash to the terrorist state. … Today it gave VP Masoumeh Ebtekar 16 mins to portray the terrorist Soleimani as the victim. … Does Iran’s hatred for Trump, a hatred many at CNN appear to share, justify ignoring this woman’s history?…
Not Just Hunter: Joe Biden's Brothers Used the VP for Financial Gain
to what I have to say.” … pick to represent the schools. … to be able to pull this thing forward.”…
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