There's Something Weird Going On With the Media Coverage of Kamala Harris and Her Marxist Father

AP Photo/Paul Sancya

Question for the American people: How well do you know Kamala Harris?

We know Donald Trump extremely well. Not to wax all Eastwoodian, but when it comes to Trump, we already know the good, the bad, and the ugly. We know all about McDonald’s, the divorces, the money, the accusations, the successes, and the hair. 


He’s transparent.

In fact, given the global population boom and the rise in alternative media, you could make a compelling argument that more content has probably been produced about Donald Trump over the past 10 years than about anyone else on the planet. And that ain’t hyperbole, folks — that’s almost certainly a fact!

Love him or hate him, Donald Trump is an open book… and that book is called “The Art of the Deal.”

So, back to the 2024 Democratic nominee for president: We’re only days from Election Day, and the question remains: How well do you really, truly know Kamala Harris?

Did you know that Kamala and her father, Stanford professor Donald J. Harris, live just a mile apart in D.C., but never speak?

Did you know Professor Harris is her only living parent, but didn’t even appear at the Democratic National Convention to watch his own daughter accept her party’s nomination for president? (The New Yorker describes them as estranged.)

Did you know Professor Harris was a trailblazing economist and the first black scholar to earn tenure at the Stanford Department of Economics?

Did you know that the Economist described Professor Harris’s work as “more unashamedly Marxist than anything in modern American politics”?


Did you know the Stanford Daily (Stanford’s student newspaper) described Professor Harris as a “Marxist economist” and said he’s teaching “radical political economics”?

Did you know that the last time Professor Harris said anything particularly noteworthy about his daughter, it was to condemn her for perpetuating the “all-Jamaicans-are-potheads” stereotype?

Furthermore, did you know that he’s written economic papers criticizing the open border policy espoused by the radical left? In a paper he coauthored (“Black Economic Progress: An Agenda for the 1990s”), this was written:

Trends in international trade have moved against U.S. workers. U.S. immigration laws have been modified in ways that increase the influx of low-skilled workers, who compete with native-born youths and low-skilled adult workers for low-skilled jobs. …This shift has been a particularly serious problem for blacks, who constitute a high proportion of the low-skilled adult workers.

(Of course, this was all liberal orthodoxy until relatively recently. None other than uber-leftist Sen. Bernie Sanders used to claim that open borders were an evil “Koch brother proposal,” and as recently as 2015 said mass immigration “would make everybody in America poorer.”)


I want to make my position clear: I’m NOT privy to Kamala’s relationship with her father. That’s none of my business. It’s public record that her parents divorced when she was young, and it’s been widely reported that it was a “contentious” and “bitter” divorce. That’s the sort of thing that can leave permanent scars on a child’s psyche.

For all I know, Kamala Harris is perfectly justified keeping her father at arm’s length.

But it’s also apparent that she hasn’t been candid with the American people. Here’s how she described her relationship with Poppa Harris at the DNC:

“My early memories of our parents together are very joyful ones, a home filled with laughter and music… My mother would say, stay close. But my father would say, as he smiled, run, Kamala, run. Don’t be afraid. Don’t let anything stop you.”

As The New York Times summarized: “In her convention speech, Kamala Harris told of being inspired by her father, a prominent economist…” 

But her parents had an ugly, bitter divorce when she was only seven, so I suspect that cute, adorable anecdote of “Run, Kamala, run!” was fabricated by speechwriters. And if it’s true that she was “inspired” by her estranged father, it almost certainly wasn’t the cheery, triumphant, Disney-esque kind of inspiration that she detailed in her acceptance speech. 


More likely than not, it was the “I’m gonna prove that SOB wrong!” kind of inspiration.

The immediate family of presidential nominees is normally the subject of intense media interest, coverage, and speculation. Even fringe actors like Roger Clinton and Billy Carter (and all those random half-brothers of Barack Obama that kept popping up) were fodder for interviews and media profiles. Hundreds of ’em!

After all, the president’s family is called “The First Family” for a reason.

Yet here we are, just a few days away from a presidential election, and the only living parent of the Democratic candidate has been regulated to the sidelines… and nobody in the media is saying a peep!

Why do you think that is?


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