10 Questions We Dare the Media to Ask Kamala Harris

AP Photo/Evan Vucci

In case you missed it, the mainstream media has been doing backflips: Biden is out, Kamala is in, and Operation Prop-Up Harris is fully underway. Over just the past few days, the media has gone from “Kamala who lol?” to “OMG, Kamala is a political unicorn, the most beautiful woman who’s ever lived, and the savior of our country!” And thus, the Harris Honeymoon was launched.


But eventually, all honeymoons must end. It’s inevitable. Honeymoons aren’t meant to last forever – because eventually, you leave paradise and return to your normal life. It’s true in traditional marriages, and it’s even more true in DNC shotgun marriages – i.e. the sudden divorcing of Joe Biden and the whirlwind betrothal of Kamala Harris: This might be a hastily arranged marriage, but it’s still a marriage.

In no particular order, when the Harris Honeymoon comes to a close, here are the 10 questions we dare the media to ask the Vice President:

“Nearly 92% of your White House staff has either quit in anger, resigned on their own, or been fired during your first three years as vice president – which seems like an unusually high number. Was the problem racism, Donald Trump, or that gosh-darn Russian misinformation?”

“Your first responsibility as vice president was solving the problem on the border. Bravo on a job well done! Which one of your clever strategies that fixed the border will you redeploy to tackle, say, high inflation?”

“Which example best highlights your strong moral convictions: Your earlier admonishment of Biden for making women uncomfortable and cozying up to anti-busing white racists, or your steadfast support for Jussie Smollett (which totally, 100% wasn’t a ridiculously obvious hoax that anyone could see)?”


“Of all the ex-girlfriends of Willie Brown, how do we know you’re the most qualified to be president? And as a follow-up: When you were in your 20s and dated Willie Brown – who was in his 60s and still married – was it his strapping physique that intrigued you? Or his boyish good looks?”

“At any point during the Biden administration did you realize that the president’s brain was as soft as a sack of soup?”

“When you told the American people – over and over again – that Joe Biden was a high-energy intellectual dynamo and nobody should be concerned about his obvious senility, were you actively participating in a White House cover-up, or were you too dumb to realize you were taking orders from a guy with a skull full of pudding?”

“Has President Biden given you any personal tips on which shampoos make a woman’s hair smell the best?”

“Have you noticed that Hunter Biden seems all jittery and scatterbrained whenever he returns from the bathroom? Weird, huh?”

“In 2019, you claimed that ‘voter suppression’ was why Democrats Stacey Adams (Georgia) and Andrew Gillum (Florida) lost their elections. Have you ever apologized for being an election denier? I mean… don’t you realize that democracy dies in darkness?!”


“Since you didn’t object to state-level prosecutors targeting Donald Trump with new and novel legal theories – in fact, you’re making his convictions the hallmark of your presidential campaign – can we then assume that you’d have no objection to state-level Republican prosecutors investigating your financial support of the Minnesota Freedom Fund, which bailed-out violent Black Lives Matter rioters who were destroying property, torching buildings, attacking police and endangering public safety?”


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