No musical in the new "Chicago"

Oh, for the days of Al Capone when Chicago gangsters were gangsters and ran around with Tommy guns and cool hats. [You’re carrying on that tradition.-ed. Part of it.] This new group has little style and not a lot of babes either. Still, there’s one good thing coming out of the Blagomuck  – anyone still believing in that “hope and change” nonsense is a certifiable nitwit.  The Obama Administration is business as usual and then some.  No matter what comes out of the Rahm Emanuel involvement, whether in the end it turns out our Rahm of the “21 conversations” was a “hero,” wearing a wire to nail the creepy Blago, does anyone believe this brother-of-an-agent is the guy who should be the number one aide-de-camp of the President of the United States?  Well, maybe if he wants to make a movie with Tom Cruise.  [But wouldn’t it be unseemly for the President to work with a Scientologist?-ed. Obama will talk with anyone.  Don’t you remember?]


What I found amusing in the Chicago Trib article linked (first) above is that Emanuel, putatively the President-elect’s porte-parole, already has a porte-parole of his own, here called an “Emanuel source” – a leaker of a leaker.  Will this leaker then need a leaker for him or herself?  We will soon see, but my bet is that whatever happens he or she will stay anonymous.  [Wait a minute.  I thought this was the administration of the new transparency.-ed. Come on.  You can do better than that.]

I’m beginning to take it back.  Maybe there is a musical in all this, but a comic one.  The “Emanuel source” can go trooping around the stage like a ghost in a white sheet – or maybe dressed in black like a ninja.

Shall we write the bedroom dialogue for Barack?  It begins with this line to Michelle:  Sweetie, if I fire Rahm, does it make me look weak? (Your turn from there.)


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