Barack has some explaining to do

I’m not much for guilt-by-association, but when I saw the Reverend Jeremiah Wright on television last night (clip below), I realized that Barack Obama has to do a lot more than merely pay lip service to disassociating himself from “some of the comments” of his minister as if Wright were some errant family member. As we all know, we don’t choose our family, but Obama chose this racist demagogue as his pastor for decades. It’s not funny. Barack is running for President of the United States. As a former civil rights worker, I find it pretty appalling. Was this what we were fighting for? Forget the primaries, in the general election this video is going to be all over the airwaves and the internet. It could do for Obama what Willie Horton did for Dukakis…. But unlike the Willie Horton ad, Obama will deserve this. Horton was a mistake by Dukakis that any of us could have made. Jeremiah Wright was Obama’s personal choice for years. And let’s not even get into Barack giving Farrakhan the honorific of “Minister” in the recent debate…



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