I'm moving to France!

No, really. I could get rich — from my reading … so far… of the Al Dura Verdict in which Phillippe Karsenty has been ordered to pay 3000 Euros to Charles Enderlin and a symbolic 5 Euros to France 2 for “insulting” them. These days I get insulted about once an hour. Just think about the possibilities, even deducting legal fees. But seereeusly folks – there’s something very spooky about this Al Dura business. As we all know Karsenty was merely expressing a view of the Al Dura video – that it was unabashed fauxtography – that he been expressed by many. In this post-Reuters era, most honest people would find such a video at least suspicious. [But we’re not talking about honest people.-ed. We’re talking about the… Don’t say it!] Okay, I’m not moving. This sure does make you think about French statist corruption, doesn’t it? If you have been following Nidra Poller’s coverage on Pajamas Media, you would have thought this trial was headed for a victoire for la justice. Mais non. Something happened between trial and verdict. Did “people” talk with the judge? Was a “consensus” reached that would not offend France 2? Will we ever know? Unlikely.



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