A tantalizingly brief article linked by Drudge this morning tells us “CBS News president Andrew Heyward, along with Washington bureau chief Janet Leissner, recently met with White House communications director Dan Bartlett, in part to repair chilly relations with the Bush administration.”
While I respect George W. Bush’s evangelical Christianity, I wonder about his giving CBS a chance to be “born again” in the wake of Rathergate. If I had promulgated forged documents on this little blog and then, to this day (months later), had not fully acknowledged what I had done, I would not deserve the attention of anyone. In fact, I’d probably have been too ashamed to continue blogging. Yet CBS (Channel Two almost anywhere) still holds one of the most coveted positions in American television broadcasting.
Fortunately, their days are probably numbered. Soon there will be so many competing video outlets when someone is unmasked as a liar, he or she will simply be switched off.
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