The Democrat Party is going through a period of disarray and confusion that it hasn’t experienced since it lost the Civil War, but there is one thing its top dogs appear to be united about — okay, two things. One is that men can become women and ought to be allowed to dominate women’s sports, and the other is the Old Joe Biden is most decidedly not the guy to lead them out of their current morass. Much as he would like to be. Old Joe, who is 82 now, has to face the unpleasant reality: not only was he never really president, but he will never really be a key figure in the Party of Green Hair anymore, either.
It’s kind of amazing that he ever thought otherwise. Maybe a couple of months of rest and relaxation at his taxpayer-funded, walled Delaware beach house have done him a world of good, and now he is tanned, rested, and ready to get back into the fray. Whatever he or his handlers may be thinking, Old Joe attended the Broadway opening of “Othello” Sunday, and as Matt Margolis noted, “The Bidens’ first public outing comes mere days after reports surfaced that Biden wants to return to the political arena to help Democrats raise money, and nobody in the party, not even his former aides, is happy about it.”
And why should they be? The Democrats may be totally insane, but they aren’t suicidal. They may want the country to commit national suicide, what with open borders and millions of unvetted migrants streaming in, but the party must go on. Fox News reported Monday that “a national Democrat strategist who was close to the 2024 Biden campaign” said: "It defies belief that the man who cost the Democratic Party the White House, the Senate and the House, believes that he is going to be the Democratic Party savior, but this is also the same person who tried to convince America that he wasn’t too old to continue as President of the United States."
That is certainly true, but Old Joe has never wanted for chutzpah, and the Democrats have never wanted for delusions. Their addiction to fantasy doesn’t extend solely to the transgender madness. John MacNeil, whom Fox identifies as a “longtime Democratic consultant,” said: "President Biden did a lot of remarkably great things for this country. I’m sure there is still some love left for him."
Biden “did a lot of remarkably great things for this country”? Which ones do you think are the greatest, John? Galloping inflation? The open border? Skyrocketing crime in our major cities? War in Ukraine? War in Gaza? The catastrophically botched withdrawal from Afghanistan? By golly, we gotta get Biden’s great stone head on Mount Rushmore! After all, Old Joe isn’t using it anymore.
And then there is that bit about how there must be “some love left” for Old Joe. Was there ever any love for Old Joe? We weren’t allowed to say it for several years because Biden and his henchmen had so much love for the freedom of speech, but it’s obvious now that the 2020 election was full of…irregularities. One glaring and immediate example is that three million voters vanished and didn’t turn out for 2024 after getting Old Joe over the finish line four years before. Trump’s vote total increased by three million from 2020 to 2024, while six million people who voted for Biden declined to vote for Kamala Harris. Nothing to see here, move along!
Related: Good News! The New York Times Has Found Its Candidate for 2028!
But now that we enjoy a modicum of free speech again, can we ask whether Biden really won at all in 2020? That is, was he ever really loved? And after his administration made such a hash of things, can it really be said that anyone is longing for the good old days of the Biden regime? Of course, there is no shortage of blinkered leftists out there who long for socialism, impoverishment, and slavery, and so they have an undying love for anyone with a D behind his or her or his name. Other than those people, however, no one is really glad to see Old Joe back, and those same people would be glad to see Stalin back if he started spouting platitudes about diversity, equity, and inclusion. And even most Democrats have had their fill of the clownish corruptocrats of the Biden crime family.
The message is thus clear: Joe Caiazzo, a “veteran Democratic strategist who served on the 2016 and 2020 presidential campaigns of Sen. Bernie Sanders,” said: "There is an appetite for a message anchored in economic populism wrapped in a desire for broad system change. Following November's results, it is more than fair to say that folks are looking towards the future." In other words: stay away, Joe.