
You Gotta Love This Guy: Argentina’s Milei Keeps Walloping Davos Leftists with Reality

AP Photo/Markus Schreiber

Argentine President Javier Milei keeps putting socialist internationalists on the defensive, and it’s a glorious thing to see.

Since he took office in Dec. 2023, Milei has given the world — and the United States in particular — a bracing lesson in the art of the possible. The left did its best for years to hoodwink the world into accepting the idea that the steady expansion of government was inevitable and irreversible. In just over a year in office, Milei has cheerfully exploded that notion, drastically reducing government bloat and restoring some semblance of economic stability to Argentina, which for many years has been a far-left basket case.

Milei has given Trump supporters a ready example to point to whenever leftists claim that the federal government is just too big to be stripped of its waste and stopped from expanding further. And at the World Economic Forum annual meeting in Davos this week, he continues to throw the lies of the leftist elites right back in their faces.

Rick Moran reported Friday on Milei’s initial denunciation of wokeism at Davos, and the best part was that Milei wasn’t even close to finished. Fox News reported Saturday that Milei ramped up the pressure on the leftist elites, calling out "the mental virus of woke ideology" and more. He “credited the fundamental values of Western civilization, like respect for life and liberty, free speech and freedom of religion, for enabling the Industrial Revolution that lifted ‘90% of the global population out of poverty.’ He then slammed wokeism as the disease that will destroy everything dear to the West.” And yes, he did it in terms that make you wish you’d been there to see it, and the looks on the faces of his self-appointed moral superiors in the audience.

Milei said of wokeness: "This is the great epidemic of our time that must be cured. This is the cancer we need to get rid of. This ideology has colonized the world's most important institutions – from the political parties and governments of leading Western nations to global governance organizations, even NGOs, universities and media outlets.” He added a warning: "Western civilization – and even the human species – will not be able to return to the path of progress demanded by our pioneering spirit. It is essential to break these ideological chains if we want to usher in a new golden age." Golden age. Now where have we heard that before over the last week?

The Argentine president went straight for one of the left’s most cherished fantasies, saying that "attempting to impose the idea that women are men and men are women simply based on self-perception. And they say nothing about when a man dresses as a woman and kills his opponent in a boxing ring, or when a male prison inmate claims to be a woman and ends up sexually assaulting women in prison." Confounding them with common sense: that’s kryptonite to leftists from Buenos Aires to Geneva.

Determined to rain on the leftist parade, Milei even brought up the homosexual couple in Georgia who sexually abused their adopted children, saying: "I want to be clear when I say abuse. This is no euphemism, because in its most extreme forms, gender ideology is outright child abuse. They are pedophiles." Indeed. And the fact that so few people dare to call them exactly that is an indication of the deep malady of our age. 

Milei went straight for the leftist jugular, continuing: "Healthy children are being irreversibly harmed through hormone treatments and mutilation, as if a 5-year-old child could possibly consent to such things, and should their family not agree to this, there will always be state agents ready to step in in favor of what they call the best interests of the child."

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Milei gave the doubtless enraged leftists a glimpse into the future they had created, saying: "Only now are we beginning to see the effects of an entire generation that has mutilated their bodies, encouraged by a culture of sexual relativism, and these people will have to spend their entire lives in psychiatric treatment to cope with what they have done to themselves. Yet no one dares to speak about these issues. Not only that, but the vast majority have also been subjected to the misguided self-perceptions of a tiny minority." Yes, but the tide is turning, as Milei’s speech itself indicated. 

"Believe me,” Milei concluded, “the scandalous experiments in the name of this criminal ideology will be condemned and likened to those committed in the darkest periods in our history." Indeed. Just as horrified schoolchildren of today are taught that at one point, people burned others to death because they thought they were witches, so, too, will future schoolchildren be horrified by the fact that in our age of absurdity, the elites destroyed innumerable lives by insisting that men could become women and women men, and forced as many people as they could to play along. Javier Milei will be remembered as one of those who began to lead this addled world back to sanity.


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