Wait, Is Kamala Losing Even MSNBC Now?

To visit the MSNBC website is to enter a bizarro world where the left’s fantasies and paranoia are on full, ghastly display, all presented as if they were the sober, pure, crystalline truth. As Trump continues to rise in the polls and Kamala Harris’ campaign looks increasingly disorganized and demoralized, MSNBC tells us that “Trump's campaign strategy has become so baffling it looks like self-sabotage.” That’s good, because Orange Man is very, very bad: “Trump’s former chief of staff: He meets the definition of a ‘fascist.’”


But never fear, for another article reassures us that the forces of Good will keep Trump at bay: “Harris says she’s prepared if Trump tries to steal the 2024 election.” The polls look bad for Harris? Don’t worry: “The problems with polling are real. Trust me, I'm a pollster.”

MSNBC looks more like dreary regime propaganda than even Pravda did in its heyday, and that’s why it was so very surprising on Tuesday when the network aired a segment entitled “Black GOP Voters Explain Their Concerns About Harris.” Wait a minute. MSNBC is admitting that there are black Republicans? And it is actually devoting a feature to them, rather than to a story about how they’re deserting the man that MSNBC and its colleagues have been telling us is a racist for eight years?

Even more surprising is the fact that MSNBC let these voters speak, without mitigating voices telling us to pay no attention. They even let them enunciate truths that MSNBC viewers are unlikely to encounter anywhere else on the network. Is Kamala Harris, with her presidential campaign imploding, now losing even her most enthusiastic and doctrinaire propaganda outlet?

It would certainly be easy to get that impression from this segment. The first person interviewed says, “I don’t think that she has the personality. I don’t think that she has what it takes to go up against Putin…. I don’t want to be scared because my president is scared. I want my president to feel secure and manly.” Well, that would leave out not just Kamala Harris, but a whole host of male Democrats as well.


MSNBC’s Alex Wagner then asked, “Do you think it matters that she’s a woman and that people aren’t comfortable having a woman in a top leadership role?” 

This met with a chorus of “No’s” from the assembled Republicans. “No, I don’t think that,” one explained, “because most men, they love their mothers. They love their wives. So, as a woman, most men, they respect the woman. But she just don’t have the qualification, or the education, to really run America. Because she don’t have the experience. She don’t understand our struggles. And for me to believe you for another four years, you’re crazy. Like, you’re crazy. You’re saying the same thing that you said four years ago.”

There’s no arguing with that, but this wasn’t Fox; it was MSNBC. It was even more astounding when Wagner asked, “Trump talks about this a lot. He says, you know, Kamala Harris became black when it was convenient…. Do you agree with him on that?” 

Everyone did. “Absolutely,” one woman said. “When she was sworn into the Senate, it was as the first Indian-American. It’s fine. We don’t care.” But, another woman added, “We all know she’s not black.”

We do? But isn’t that the home truth that the Democrats’ Candidate of Color desperately hopes that identity politics-obsessed voters won’t notice? It wasn’t too long ago that we were told that Trump was a horrible person for pointing out that fact. And now it’s out on MSNBC as if everyone takes it for granted?

Related: Media Rushes to Downplay Explosive Evidence of Kamala Harris’ Plagiarism

Is even MSNBC seeing the writing on the wall and realizing that its wall-to-wall propaganda for Harris isn’t working? Have the people who guide the network’s editorial content decided that it’s time to move on from the Candidate of Joy?


This segment featuring Republican voters, who would ordinarily never get within miles of being featured on MSNBC, certainly gives that impression. Of course, the segment could just be an attempt to hoodwink voters into thinking that MSNBC is actually a news outlet that has some interest in objectivity, so as to lure in the unsuspecting and then wallop them with the Big-Character Harris Posters. After all, it’s getting late for the sinister authoritarians who masquerade as the forces of all that is good; they’ve got to pull out all the stops now.


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