
Buttigieg Tangles Himself Up in Contradictions As He Insists That Biden Is Not ‘Unfit’ to Serve

AP Photo/Mariam Zuhaib

One of the foremost poster boys for the catastrophic failure of the Biden regime, Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg, appears determined to go down with the ship along with his doddering boss. The ineffectual, ill-equipped, and out-of-touch First Guy of the Highways and Byways appeared on Fox & Friends Tuesday and did his best to maintain that Old Joe Biden, despite mountains of evidence to the contrary, is not “unfit” to serve as president of the United States. Then, of course, Secretary Pete had to explain why the Democrats were busy throwing Old Joe under the bus. 

Fox News reported Tuesday that Lawrence Jones of Fox & Friends asked Buttigieg, "I just want to know, when did you guys know that the president was unfit?" This was a perfectly reasonable question, especially given the fact that Biden, under heavy pressure, aborted his reelection campaign after his disastrous debate with Donald Trump. Suddenly the establishment media — As if it were following orders! — began to acknowledge openly what it had steadfastly denied for over three years, that Biden was clearly in steep cognitive decline. To all the world, it looked as if Old Joe was finally admitting the obvious himself, and getting out of the game.

But it wasn’t obvious to Secretary Pete. "The president is not unfit," he insisted. A dismayed Jones then asked the most obvious follow-up question in the history of journalism: “So why is he not the nominee right now?"

Holding onto the party line by his manicured fingernails, Buttigieg shot back: "Because he did something that Donald Trump cannot comprehend, which is to put his ego aside." Ah, yes. You see? Biden bowed out because Trump is bad. 

Buttigieg could not and would not admit the obvious: that Biden was not only unfit to serve on Jul. 21, 2024, when he officially bowed out of the 2024 presidential race; he was also unfit to serve on Jan. 20, 2021, when he entered the Oval Office as president of the United States for the first time, and since then his condition has been worsening by the day.

Buttigieg, however, was having none of it. "You can go over whether he slips up and says one name when he wants to say another name, or you can look at what he's actually accomplished as president. It turns out he's really good at being President of the United States." Well, sure, if your idea of a good president is someone whose fiscal policies have led to galloping inflation, who has erased our Southern border and ushered an unknowable number of criminals and terrorists into the country, who has weaponized the Justice Department against the enemies of his regime, and who has betrayed one of our foremost allies in the ruthless pursuit of votes in November.

All that is likely just great as far as Pete Buttigieg is concerned. Jones asked him about rising crime and got this non-answer: "The big question, I think, for politics, for policy, for media, is, who is going to help them versus who is going to use them? That mother is asking the exact right question, and the question is, ‘What are you going to actually do when you come into office?’" 

All right. What the Kamala Harris regime will do, if there is one, is push to make the Second Amendment a dead letter and remove Americans’ right to defend themselves. Since leftists also hate the police, it appears that they want to render Americans utterly defenseless against those criminals and terrorists they have brought into the country. If Biden and his henchmen were traitors who were bent on endangering as many Americans as possible, what would they do differently from what they actually have done?

     Related: Biden Suddenly Notices He’s Very Old, Admits He Was Forced Out

Buttigieg, ever the faithful apparatchik, was ready with more party talking points: "When you have Donald Trump, an unrepentant convicted criminal, running against a prosecutor like Kamala Harris, we have an opportunity to send a message about whether we're serious on law and order in this country or whether it's a talking point, whether it's just something people try to use as a political theme for partisan gain.” 

The Democrats? Law and order? As Joe Biden might have said in his more coherent days, “Come on, man!” That’s “fascist AmeriKKKa” talk, that is, just the kind of thing the Democrat base abhors. Secretary Pete certainly knows this. He also knows that if he hoodwinks enough Americans between now and Nov. 5, he will continue to be able to fatten at the public trough. Any lie, apparently, is worth that.


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