
Rest Assured, the Biden-Harris Regime Is Still Tracking Terrorists. Just Not Ones You’d Expect.

AP Photo/Ben Margot, File

It’s all too easy to get the impression that the Biden-Harris regime (Yeah, Biden. Remember Old Joe? He used to be president, and may very well still be, for all we know.) is soft on terrorism. After all, people on the terror watch list have been strolling across our Southern border as if they were crossing the street. Open sympathizers with the Palestinian jihad staff the regime at all levels. 

The Biden-Harris regime is, in fact, one of the chief financiers of jihad terror in the world, as it has sent billions to the Islamic Republic of Iran, which in turn sends the dough to Hamas and Hizballah. But there is no need to be concerned. The Biden-Harris regime, contrary to all appearances, really is keeping track of terrorists, including notorious criminals such as…Tulsi Gabbard.

Journalist Matt Taibbi reported Wednesday that Gabbard has now confirmed the story that UndercoverDC broke last Sunday: “several Federal Air Marshal whistleblowers have come forward with information showing that former U.S. Representative and Presidential candidate Tulsi Gabbard is currently enrolled in the Quiet Skies program. Quiet Skies is a TSA surveillance program with its own compartmentalized suspected terrorist watchlist.” This must be a mistake, right? Oh, no.

Now, you’d think that a terrorist watchlist would be reserved for, you know, terrorists, but come on, man! In the Brave New World of the Biden-Harris regime, we know that terrorists include such people as parents at school board meetings protesting Critical Race Theory indoctrination and pro-life Catholics. So why not Tulsi Gabbard, who has dared to criticize this most thin-skinned of regimes more than once? 

Gabbard said that during several recent trips, both her boarding pass and that of her husband were marked with “SSSS,” that is, “Secondary Security Screening Selection.” If this notation shows up on your boarding pass, you’re in for special security searches that can cause you to miss your flight. Gabbard recounted that “it happened every time I boarded.” 

TSA agents were as intrusive as if she had been a visiting al-Qaeda dignitary: “I’ve got a couple of blazers in there, and they’re squeezing every inch of the entire collar, every inch of the sleeves, every inch of the edging of the blazers. They’re squeezing or padding down underwear, bras, workout clothes, every inch of every piece of clothing.” Nor was that all. A whistleblower stated that Gabbard had “two Explosive Detection Canine Teams, one Transportation Security Specialist (explosives), one plainclothes TSA Supervisor, and three Federal Air Marshals on every flight she boards.”

Remember: Tulsi Gabbard isn’t actually a terrorist. She is a high-profile politician and as such is essentially no terror risk whatsoever. And so what was going on was clear. Gabbard recalled: “I use my military ID to get through security sometimes,” but now this no longer worked. One TSA agent was puzzled, and asked her: “Why are you Quad-S? You’re in the military?” Gabbard replied: “That’s exactly what I’m wondering. Then I said, ‘The only thing I can think of is, I work in politics.’ And he said, oh.” Oh, indeed. First the Biden regime turned the law enforcement apparatus of the United States government against its principal opponent, Donald Trump.

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But it was never going to end with Trump. UndercoverDC noted that “Air Marshals were first assigned to Gabbard on Jul. 23, a day after she criticized Kamala Harris, Biden, and the National Security State in an interview with Laura Ingraham. FAMs were mobilized on Jul. 24 and assigned to their first flight with her on Jul. 25.” What a coincidence! 

And so now it appears that the Biden regime has weaponized not just the Justice Department but also the government’s counterterror apparatus and who knows what else against its political enemies. The harassment of Gabbard, in fact, follows the pattern of authoritarian regimes from the past: a vocal critic of the regime is targeted in a way that may initially appear clumsy and pointless. After all, Gabbard just suffered some inconvenience in being delayed at airports.  

But the idea is to show that the government is in total control and can do anything to anyone: if it can classify Gabbard as a terrorist and treat her as one just for criticizing the regime, it can eventually also imprison her or worse without due process. And the rest of the population is put on notice: don’t criticize the regime, or bad things will happen to you. The Harris-Walz campaign, if it were honest, should put that phrase on bumper stickers.


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