
Miami Imam Reveals His Plan for America

AP Photo/B.K. Bangash

A Muslim cleric in Miami recently declared in a Friday sermon, “We are not here to kill anybody. We are not here to hurt anybody, we don’t want to take over your country.” Great to hear, right? Now we can join hands and march together into the glorious multicultural future, right? 

Wrong. Dr. Fadi Kablawi explained what he did have in mind for America in terms that should cause all Americans concern, but hardly any will take any notice at all, and nothing whatsoever will be done about it.

The Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI) recently posted an excerpt of a sermon Kablawi preached in late January at Masjid As Sunna An Nabawiyyah North Miami, which the mosque streamed live on Facebook. Kablawi began, unsurprisingly, in a venomously antisemitic vein, calling Jews “enemies of human beings,” and asserting that “if they do it to the Palestinians in Gaza, they will do it to you if they need to.” 

Kablawi explained that this was because “this is who they are, sociopaths” to the degree that they would victimize anyone “if they just reach a point that they are convinced that it is for their interests. They will do it to the Christians, they will do it to the Chinese, they will do it to the Americans, they will do it to the Germans… By Allah, they will do it to anybody. With Muslims, they have extra reasons to do it. They will do it to everybody.” 

The “extra reasons to do it” with Muslims have to do with the fact that the Qur’an says: “You will find the Jews and the idolaters the most vehement of mankind in hostility to those who believe” (5:82). If the Jews hate Muslims more than anyone else and victimize anyone they decide it is in their interests to victimize, then the Muslims will be victimized most of all. Projection? Absolutely. Delusion? No doubt about it.   

After expatiating on how Muslims were victims, Kablawi mocked a billboard in his area that warned that Hamas’ jihad was not just Israel’s problem: “So that sign here on the Golden Glades, when you leave...that Hamas is not only your problem or something...It's your problem too...Hamas is your problem too. Did you see the language? Hamas is going to finish Israel, and they are going to start going to Europe and America. It is going to take a long time, digging a tunnel under the Atlantic Ocean, dude.” 

Kablawi’s scorn on this score was ironic in light of the fact that a senior Hamas leader, Mahmoud al-Zahar, has said that “we are not talking about liberating our land alone….The entire 510 million square kilometers of Planet Earth will come under [a system] where there is no injustice, no oppression, no treachery, no Zionism, no treacherous Christianity.” And another Hamas top dog, Fathi Hammad, stated, “Jerusalem will not only be the capital city of Palestine as an independent state – it will be the capital city of the Islamic Caliphate.” 

Kablawi, however, dismissed such talk as “scare tactics” and explained that an unspecified group, apparently the Jews, “have to create scenarios like this, so they can come and kill us. Most Americans are naive and have no clue. All they are worried about is the Super Bowl. We need to change that, we need to propagate that, and change it with people around us.” 

Then he addressed non-Muslim Americans: “Open your mind, we are not here to kill anybody. We are not here to hurt anybody, we don’t want to take over your country.” Reassuring! Sort of.

Kablawi continued: “If we can, we will take it, but with means that the law allows us. Here, we are going to make dawah [proselytizing] to the people… Like the guy who emailed me, some guy, Brad Jennings… [He wrote:] ‘Do you want to Sharia laws in America?’ I said if America becomes a majority Muslim [country] then inshallah, we will choose to implement Sharia.” 

     Related: Hamas Member Reveals That Organization's Goal Is Not Just to Free 'Palestine'

Can you envision America in the mode of the Islamic Republic of Iran with its stonings, amputations, and hanging of gays from cranes? Kablawi can, and that is the vision of the future toward which he and others are working. Apparently Kablawi’s day job is as a dentist, for he continued: “Then he says: ‘Go to Gaza, they need dental work.’ I said that there are enough dentists in Gaza, but I am here so I can convert Americans.” 

This effort is going on now all over the U.S., and none of the major churches or any other institutions have formulated any response. Nor is anyone doing anything prepare their young people in any way to withstand the appeal of dawah. There may come a time when many in America are sorry they didn’t have more foresight.


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