Now Your Tax Dollars Will Pay for Gender Madness for Veterans

AP Photo/Luis M. Alvarez

If you’re a veteran of the United States Armed Forces and now you’ve become convinced that you’re really a woman, you’re in luck: Old Joe Biden and his henchmen are going to start devoting taxpayer money to aiding and abetting your delusions and fantasies: the White House budget proposal for 2024 includes taxpayer funding for genital mutilation surgeries and hormones for veterans.


The Daily Caller reported Thursday that “the White House’s annual budget proposal for 2024 would fund sex-change surgeries and hormones for veterans.” No one could possibly find this surprising; the Biden regime is nothing if not consistent. It is indefatigably committed to the baseless and dangerous — indeed, life-destroying — dogma that women can become men and men can become champion female swimmers and International Women of Courage, and now it has determined that we must pay for these fantasies.

The groundwork for this new budget proposal was laid in June 2021, when the Department of Veterans Affairs lifted a 20-year ban on what Rolling Stone called “gender confirmation surgeries for trans people,” and what the budget itself refers to as “gender affirming care.” These bland euphemisms are designed to hide the fact that what is really being discussed here is physical butchery, making people dependent upon pharmaceuticals for their entire lifetime, and destroying their possibility of having normal relationships and families.

Leftists push these evils upon the American people by posturing about how good they are. Back in 2021 when the Veterans Affairs Department lifted the ban on these mutilation surgeries, VA Secretary Denis McDonough announced happily that the department would now be “allowing transgender vets to go through the full gender confirmation process with VA by their side.” He had the sinister audacity or jaw-dropping ignorance to add, “We’re making these changes not only because they are the right thing to do, but because they can save lives.”


Save lives. Yeah, sure, that’s a great way to refer to what future generations will regard as a crime against humanity. The budget adds another pleasing euphemism when it says that it is doing all this in order to “advance equity across veterans’ services.” Terrific, but the downside of all this is already becoming apparent. The Daily Caller noted that “former Navy Seal Chris Beck announced in a Dec. 1 interview that he was transitioning back to being a man, after nearly a decade of living as a woman and advocating for trans people in the military.” Beck is, of course, just one of many.

Was Beck consulted when the new budget requiring Americans to pay for the genital mutilation of psychologically disturbed veterans was formulated? Was anyone, anyone at all, who was involved in putting the 2024 budget together apprised of the extent of the butchery involved in “gender-affirming” surgeries and the physical and psychological harm that can ensue? (For evidence, see here and here, but be forewarned: these images and accounts are not for the fainthearted or weak of stomach.)

Related: Sweden Ditches Barbaric ‘Gender-Affirming’ Care for Kids

There is a great deal that is monstrous about the Biden regime, not least its ongoing attempts to destroy the freedom of speech (remember the “Disinformation Governance Board,” and make no mistake, such initiatives continue) and criminalize dissent (as we see with the ongoing Jan. 6 “insurrection” hoax). If the Left succeeds in attaining its authoritarian goals, the human cost will be catastrophic, but that cost is apparent right now in the regime’s commitment to “gender affirming care.” The recipients of this “care” will find their gratitude turning to resentment, horror, and rage as they have to live with what was done to them when no less an authority than the United States government was touting their mutilation as physically and psychologically affirming.


As the elites usually do, Biden and his henchmen will escape the horrific consequences of their actions and will likely die laden with awards and honors for their services to humanity. The only people who will have to pay the price are those who will be the recipients of their taxpayer-funded largesse. There can be no doubt that future generations will look upon today’s society’s approval and, indeed, celebration of all this with unmitigated horror, but those days are still a ways off. Right now, we have to sign the checks for the destruction of our fellow human beings who have fallen prey to this delusion.


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