Trump Readies Mar-a-Lago for Netanyahu Visit While Harris and Many Democrats Boycott the Speech

AP Photo/Ohad Zwigenberg, Pool, File

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will address a joint session of Congress on Wednesday — most of Congress, anyway.

Missing will be a few dozen radical liberals, antisemites, and Arab-lobby toadies who believe that Israel must fight its war for survival against an enemy that wishes to exterminate it on Hamas's terms.


Some other Israeli leader might do that when, as seems fairly certain, Netanyahu will be replaced after the war. But while Netanyahu controls the Israeli armed forces, they will continue the grim task of rooting out terrorists wherever they may be.

Netanyahu will make this point clear in his speech to Congress. It's a shame that the Anointed One, Kamala Harris, won't preside over the proceedings.

“President Biden, who was the vice president at the time, skipped that address just as our current vice president will be boycotting the speech,” House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) told The New York Post in an interview on the eve of Netanyahu’s speech.

“I believe that’s unconscionable,” said Johnson.

Johnson, unlike Biden, Harris, and half the Democratic Party, grasps the desperation of the moment for Israel.

“He’ll emphasize the importance of America’s resolve and our support,” Johnson predicted of Netanyahu’s speech. “Israel is in a war for its very survival. It’s arguably the most desperate time for Israel since they became a nation-state again.”

“We need to have the truth presented,” he went on, “regardless of the political turmoil and all the rest that’s circling about our politics in a contentious election year.”

Johnson invited Netanyahu to address Congress after the Israeli prime minister let it be known through channels that he wanted to come to Washington and buck up Israel's supporters against the growing pushback of the Iranian-funded Palestinian lobby.


Biden will meet Netanyahu on Thursday, and wouldn't you like to be a fly on the wall during that sit-down? The Israeli prime minister will meet with former president Donald Trump at Mar-a-Lago on Friday.

“Looking forward to welcoming Bibi Netanyahu at Mar-a-Lago in Palm Beach, Florida,” Trump wrote on Truth Social. “During my first term, we had Peace and Stability in the Region, even signing the historic Abraham Accords.

“Just as I have said in discussions with President Zelensky and other World Leaders in recent weeks, my PEACE THROUGH STRENGTH Agenda will demonstrate to the World that these horrible, deadly Wars, and violent Conflicts must end,” he added, referencing former President Ronald Reagan’s famed defense policy.

Johnson is taking the opportunity to invite guests sure to make Biden and the Democrats uncomfortable.

The GOP leader revealed to The Post that he invited every one of the family members of the five remaining US hostages to observe Netanyahu’s address — Edan Alexander, Omer Neutra, Keith Siegel, Sagui Dekel-Chen and Hersh Goldberg-Polin — along with other staunch allies of Israel.

Those included conservative radio and Fox News host Mark Levin, former Minnesota GOP Senator Norm Coleman, Matt Brooks, Republican Jewish Coalition Matthew Brooks, as well as US Ambassador to Israel Jacob Lew.

On Tuesday, pro-Hamas protesters invaded the Cannon House Office Building and, according to Rep. Dan Kildee's (D-Mich) chief of staff Mitchell Rivard, "hundreds of protesters outside the office became disruptive." Capitol Police were called after protesters were "violently beating on the office doors, shouting loudly, and attempting to force entry into the office."



It may just be a taste of what's to come when Netanyahu arrives on Wednesday. The U.S. Campaign for Palestinian Rights has said "tens of thousands" of people will gather at the Capitol.

Capitol security officials and law enforcement are already taking precautions, erecting a fence, restricting entrances to the complex and encouraging staffers to move through the building's tunnel system.

House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) said Tuesday that additional police officers will be posted outside the Capitol and inside the House chamber.

Let's keep in mind that Iranian cash is funding these protests (if not the protesters themselves). I wonder if any of that cash is from the loot that Obama and Biden both gave Tehran as ransom for our hostages?


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