Nothing Is Sacred to Climate Hysterics

Ben Birchall/PA via AP

Stonehenge, the 5,000-year-old calendar and worship site for ancient peoples in England and a UNESCO World Heritage Site, was vandalized on Wednesday by unhinged climate hysterics in the name of stopping oil production by 2030.


The vandals, associated with the radical group Just Stop Oil, sprayed the ancient stones with orange powder paint.

Some onlookers charged the protesters, trying to get them to stop. However, one of the arrested protesters, 21-year-old Niamh Lynch, claims nothing will stop them from saving the planet.

Ordinary people tried to stop this sacrilege.

The act of vandalism took place one day before the celebration to mark the summer solstice.

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak said the incident was a “disgraceful act of vandalism." The opposition Labor Party's leader, Sir Keir Starmer, said the damage was "outrageous" and described Just Stop Oil as "pathetic."

Of course, there had to be supporters of the brain-dead morons.


Just so you're aware, Jonny-boy...

You're missing the point. The road was to give everyone access to a site that brings us all closer to nature and allows us to experience the eternal awe of our common humanity. Any defilement of that site, even with orange cornflour, is an act of barbarism equal to what the Taliban did in blowing up the Bamiyan Buddha statues.

It's not that the statues were destroyed or that Stonehenge, a religious site, was defiled. It's a slap in the face of history. Stonehenge and the Afghan Buddha statues were part of our ancient heritage, opening our eyes to the divine in all of us.

You and your brain-dead climate hysterics are too shallow and besotted with your own importance to recognize that.


Nick Merriman, chief executive of English Heritage, said the vandalism was "deeply saddening."

He told the BBC's Today programme the stones are "testament to people's desire to connect to nature", and while he respected the rights of people to protest, he hoped they would channel their activism away from museum sites in future.

BBC correspondent, Paul Clifton, the first reporter to get to the scene shortly after the incident, said the three stones closest to the public path were "splattered" with the powder.

He added that many of the tourists visiting the monument were "slightly bemused."

"Stonehenge managers and security guards are standing by the path," he said.

"I've heard a suggestion that because it is powder paint and the weather is dry and sunny, it may perhaps be removed without lasting damage, but they will need experts to inspect the stone before forming an opinion."


The Just Stop Oil maniacs say they want the next British government to "end the extraction and burning of oil, gas and coal by 2030," according to the BBC.

 "Continuing to burn coal, oil and gas will result in the death of millions. "We have to come together to defend humanity or we risk everything," said a spokesman for the group.

How many dead if we stop using fossil fuels for heat? To harvest our crops? To bring food to the stores?

How many dead in the social upheaval that will surely follow the end of fossil fuel consumption?

As I said, brain dead.  


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