Town Council Votes Not to Fly 'Thin Blue Line Flag' for Slain Cop, Votes to Fly Pride Flag Instead

AP Photo/Matt Slocum

The Wethersfield  Town Council in Connecticut  voted 5-3 to deny a motion from Republican members of the council to fly the "Thin Blue Line" flag in front of town hall. Democrats on the council who voted the request down said they refused because the flag "represents racism and antagonism to many, many people."


Trooper First Class Aaron Pelletier was run over by a drunk and drug-addled criminal during a routine traffic stop. Republicans on the town council wanted to fly the Thin Blue Line flag to honor him

Instead of the Thin Blue Line flag, the Democrats on the town council decided to fly the Pride flag. 

At least they flew the rainbow flag at half-mast.

Mrs. Dominique Pelletier flew the flag in front of her own home on Friday after giving an extraordinarily moving tribute to her husband, the father or her two children.

She called him a "man of integrity and honor."

"I will make sure our children always know those traits definitely came from him," she added. Then she gave a loving wife's tribute to her husband.

"To my honey, you weren’t just my husband. You were my home. You were my heart. You were my safe place and my provider. My best friend. My secret keeper. My favorite gossiper."


"The light in our smiles will be forever dimmed and the thought of this world without that laugh seems unimaginable but has already become real. I promise to keep you alive in our home, in our heart and in our boys’ memories forever. I love you, and I miss you."

A "flag of hate."

Daily Mail:

The service was preceded by a 20-mile procession from a funeral home in Southington to the Hartford amphitheater where the service was held. 

Pelletier's casket was escorted by dozens of police motorcycles and cars. Fire ladder trucks also flew American flags along the route. 

The driver of the vehicle that killed the nine-year veteran of the force fled the scene, but was later tracked down and arrested. 

The suspect, Alex Oyola-Sanchez, 44, has been charged with 2nd degree manslaughter with a motor vehicle, operating while intoxicated, as well as operating a motor vehicle without minimum insurance, failure to drive in proper lane, and evading responsibility resulting in death.


June is Pride month so flying that flag honored no one even if they flew it at half-mast.

A point the Democrats on that town council will never understand.


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