Not Much 'Pride': Cowardly Dodgers Honor 'Drag Nuns' an Hour Before Game in an Empty Stadium

The Los Angeles Dodgers are a storied professional sports franchise. They were the first Major League baseball team to sign a black player — a courageous act in 1947 that changed the country.


But their demonstration of anti-Catholic hate on Friday night has undone most of the goodwill Americans gave the organization over the last 75 years.

On Friday night, the Dodgers proved themselves abject cowards by shamelessly caving to the LGBTQ mob that objected when the organization canceled the appearance of the “Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence” — a group that meets the full definition of a “hate group” — to receive the “Community Hero Award.” After enormous pressure from the LGBTQ community and the LA teachers union, which claimed teenagers would die unless the “sisters” got their award, the organization relented and put the sisters back on the program.

Exclusively for our VIPs: How Can This Happen? Anti-Catholic Hate Rears Its Head in America — Again

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But the organization that once demonstrated real courage in bucking the system to hire a black man to play baseball took the coward’s way out. On Friday night, the Los Angeles Dodgers honored the “Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence” an hour before game time and in an empty stadium.

Not very “proud,” are they?


Meanwhile, it was a different story outside the stadium where thousands of people demonstrated their disapproval.

“The Dodgers community hero award goes to an organization reaching the LGBTQ+ community, the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence, LA chapter,” stadium announcer Todd Leitz said. “Please join us in recognizing the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence for their outstanding service to the LGBTQ+ community.”


There was some scattered applause and several loud “boos” when the announcement was made.

Fox News:

Several hours before the first pitch was thrown at the Los Angeles Dodgers’ Pride Night, a large group of protesters gathered outside the stadium.

Catholics for Catholics, a group based in Phoenix, organized what it described as “a prayerful procession” in a parking lot outside Dodger Stadium.

Fox News’ Larry Fink was on scene several hours before the start of the game and captured video of thousands of protestors outside Dodger Stadium praying and holding flags and signs. Many of the demonstrators also wore red clothing in honor of the sacred heart.

Historically, profaning the sacred has a long history in America. Mocking people of faith has become part of many schticks by comedians. Monty Python’s Life of Brian was an example of commercial success for mocking religion. It doesn’t make it right, and anyone who would deliberately and knowingly cause emotional pain to believers of any faith deserves the disapprobation of all.


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