
How Can This Happen? Anti-Catholic Hate Rears Its Head in America — Again

AP Photo/Richard Vogel, File

For the longest time, Catholics — also known as the “papists” — were thought by some to be incapable of serving in the military because their allegiance was to Rome, not America. As for being president, Catholics would be obeying the pope rather than the Constitution. In 1928, Catholic Democrat Al Smith was crushed in the election against Republican Herbert Hoover.

As recently as 1960, John F. Kennedy had to appear on national television and declare, “I am not the Catholic candidate for president.” JFK made that statement in Houston at a gathering of Southern Baptists in 1960, adding, “I am the Democratic Party’s candidate for president, who happens also to be a Catholic.”

That Kennedy felt it necessary to reiterate his loyalty to the United States wasn’t surprising at the time. That kind of suspicion that Catholics weren’t really complete “Americans” led to discrimination, violence, and lynchings by the Klan, who saw the devil when viewing Catholics.

But as Catholic immigrants assimilated over the last 50 years, the hate was pushed below the surface, although never quite completely gone. Occasionally, I would find a flyer on my doorknob warning against the “papists,” but that sort of hate could be laughed off and forgotten.

But the abortion issue has given the left permission to allow their anti-Catholic hate free reign. We see activists dress up as nuns and demonstrate in front of the houses of Supreme Court justices. Yes, that’s hate. It’s mocking the sacred, which is the definition of hate according to the law.

Catholic churches have been set on fire for opposing abortion. Now, the LGBTQ community is directing its hate toward the Catholic church for its stance on homosexuality. And the primary vehicle to express that hate is the “Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence,” who, according to the Archdiocese of Los Angles, “mocks Catholic religious sisters and stages lewd and profane performances aimed at ridiculing Jesus and the Catholic Mass, among other provocations,” according to a June 13 release from Angelus News, a publication by the Archdiocese of Los Angeles.

Wouldn’t you love to see the Dodgers mock Muslims for the way they dress and what they believe? I daresay there would be a lot of headless Dodgers executives if they tried that.

Related: The Pride Cult Really Hates Judeo-Christian Values

No danger of that with Catholics — despite the FBI’s ludicrous efforts to try and paint anti-abortion Catholics as terrorists. The same goes for the drag nuns who know well that the pain they are causing the faithful will almost certainly not result in any attacks on them.

At any rate, Archbishop José H. Gomez of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles invited all Catholics to celebrate Mass at the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels. “The Archbishop will celebrate the 12:10 Mass at the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels to mark the beginning of a day of prayer in light of the decision by the Los Angeles Dodgers to honor a group that mocks Catholic religious sisters and stages lewd and profane performances aimed at ridiculing Jesus and the Catholic Mass, among other provocations,” according to a June 13 release from Angelus News, a publication by the Archdiocese of Los Angeles.

The Los Angeles Dodgers originally canceled the appearance by the drag nuns after vigorous protests from Catholics all across the country. But the team backtracked after some pressure from the Teachers’ Union claiming that young people would die if the nuns were canceled.

Washington Free Beacon:

“At a time when LGBTQ+ rights are under attack across the country with more than 400 pieces of legislation filed in states, at a time when 45 percent of LGBTQ+ youth report seriously considering committing suicide each year, we should be leading with love and inclusion in California rather than sowing division,” the California Teachers Association president said in a statement on Monday, referring to a spate of “red state” legislation restricting sex-change treatment for minors and a 2022 Trevor Project survey. “Our students are watching what happens on and off the field.”

This is the group that is receiving the “Community Hero Award” on Friday night.

The group has publicly “exorcised” many prominent conservatives, including Pope John II in 1987 and then-President Donald Trump in 2017. Other Sisters events over the years have included a mock Mass with tequila, a Good Friday fetish fashion show, and a “Midnight Confessional Contest” at a bar with prizes for the “hottest confessions,” according to the Catholic League.

The Sisters are best known for holding a “Hunky Jesus” contest every Easter Sunday in San Francisco, featuring sexual parodies of the crucifixion.

Yeah. Real “heroes.”


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