Al Gore Receives Award for 'Top Climate Hypocrite'

Former Vice President Al Gore hosts a 24-hour live webcast from the foot of the Eiffel Tower, in Paris. Gore. (AP Photo/Thibault Camus, File)

It was close, but in the end, Al Gore edged out Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez for the top Climate Hypocrite Award.

The award is the brainchild of Senator Jim Inhofe, an Oklahoma Republican, who has led pushback against climate hysterics in the Senate.


The top five climate hypocrites:

Washington Times:

“Climate alarmists are eager to tell Americans that they need to take radical action, including going vegan, ending air travel, not having children and eliminating fossil fuels and nuclear energy, but they aren’t willing to back up their data or take the actions they prescribe to everyone else,” he said in a press release.

Inhofe once famously tossed a snowball in the Senate as a dig at climate hysterics:

Inhofe explained why Gore finished first:

“Last, but certainly not least, Gore has earned the grand prize of America’s greatest climate hypocrite,” Mr. Inhofe said in a press release. “Whether it’s Gore’s chartered jets around the country or the fact his home uses up to 34 times more energy than the average American household, he’s never wavered in his calls for everyone else to, ‘…make [environmental] changes in their own lives.’”

Mr. Gore, who had no public comment on the jab, has been criticized for the energy demands of his 10,070-square-foot Nashville mansion, which in September 2016 burned through 34 times more electricity than the national monthly average, according to the National Center for Public Policy Research.

The Democratic climate standard-bearer’s house does have 33 solar panels, but they produce only 5.7% of the annual energy used at the home, which includes a heated pool and security gate, the center said.


I would have thought that Professor Michael Mann would have been runner-up. The creator of the misleading and now debunked “hockey stick” graph showing the earth warming certainly deserves it.

But in ended up being AOC:

Coming in second was Ms. Ocasio-Cortez, sponsor of the Green New Deal resolution, who was dinged by the New York Post for her airplane and car travel, despite her calls for replacing combustion-vehicle engines with mass transit and electric vehicles.

“Her radical Green New Deal would put countless Americans out of work – it would end America as we know it – but AOC doesn’t think twice about living lavishly in her luxury apartment building, taking a car one mile to work, and believing her $174,000 taxpayer-funded salary should be higher,” said Mr. Inhofe.

Her 2018 House campaign listed 1,049 transactions on apps like Lyft and Uber, and spent nearly $30,000 on rideshares, vans and rentals, versus $8,335 on MetroCards, “even though her Queens HQ was a one-minute walk to the 7 train,” the Post reported.

AOC and Gore live in the world as it is. That means using all sorts of contraptions that use fossil fuel. They also use transportation that’s not very energy efficient.


But what’s the alternative? We’ve built an entire society based on cheap energy. Was that smart? It is what it is. But wanting to revolutionize our way of life in 20 or 30 years is idiotic, not to mention impossible. It would impoverish the world, cause untold suffering and hardship — for ordinary people.

Elites like Gore and AOC would be able to shield themselves from the disastrous effects of the policies they promote. That not only makes them hypocrites. It makes them evil in my book.


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