Conservatism 2.0 Conference at CPAC Needs Your Input

On Thursday, February 26, and Saturday, February 28, PJTV will sponsor the “Conservatism 2.0 Conference” at CPAC (Conservative Political Action Conference) in Washington, D.C., at the Omni-Shoreham Hotel.


The theme of Conservatism 2.0 will be “The Quest for Common Ground” where it is hoped conservatives of all stripes will be able to come together and agree on a wide variety of issues. At this critical juncture in our nation’s history, it is vital that conservatives seek ways to put aside whatever differences we may have and unite in support of conservative principles.

To that end, please follow this link to a webpage that lists issues that will be discussed. They are broken down into general headings:

  • General Principles
  • Financial, Economy
  • Government and Congress
  • Freedom of Speech
  • Social Issues
  • Other Issues


What are the common ground issue among conservative and center-right people?

At the C2.0 Conference, those that are both onsite and online will be able to vote for the common ground issues they think are important. As a preview, here are some types of common ground issues that we may be providing for voting. Please provide your comments at [email protected] or at the discussion board at the Facebook Group on Conservatism 2.0

This link will take you to the Facebook page where you will be able to leave your suggestions.

We urge you to become active in this conference either at CPAC or online by watching the Conservatism 2.0 proceedings on PJTV. Here’s the program schedule for Thursday and Saturday:


11:45 on Thursday, February 26
Palladian Ballroom

Activists, bloggers, students, and scholars discussing new media strategies to shape the future of conservatism

Speakers: Joe Hicks, Roger Simon and Bill Whittle
Complimentary lunch served
Open to all CPAC attendees

Conservatism 2.0 Conference, Saturday, February 28
Diplomat Ballroom

A conservative version of The View hosted by Michelle Malkin, Kellyanne Conway, and Jeri Thompson
Panelists: Glenn Reynolds, John P. Avlon, Bill Whittle
Complimentary lunch served
Open to all CPAC attendees

What are the common ground issue among conservative and center-right people?

At the C2.0 Conference, those that are both onsite and online will be able to vote for the common ground issues they think are important. As a preview, here are some types of common ground issues that we may providing for voting. Please provide your comments 


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