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Let this be a lesson to any future “Joe the Plumbers”. reports that as many as half a dozen Ohio state agencies may have investigated the man who challenged Barack Obama’s tax policies to help out the national media, who unfortunately didn’t have any reporters on the spot. (Hat tip Ace of Spades)


Ohio Inspector General Tom Charles said his office is now looking at a half-dozen agencies that accessed state records on Samuel Joseph Wurzelbacher. … Kohlstrand said that the AG’s office wanted access to the records so they could turn over to the national media lien information that was a public record in Lucas County. He said the national media did not have reporters in Toledo, so the attorney general’s office was helping them out with public records. …

The day after the debate, media outlets began reporting that Joe the Plumber’s real name was Samuel, he was not a licensed plumber and he owed close to $1,200 in back taxes and additional money to a hospital.

His home was besieged by media outlets, including television crews that camped on his lawn.

Wurzelbacher had questioned Obama’s plan to raise taxes for anyone with an income exceeding $250,000 because he planned to purchase his own plumbing business.

Dans ce pays-ci, il est bon de tuer de temps en temps un amiral pour encourager les autres


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