Massacres, beheadings, rapes and the rest often take place whenever and wherever Islamic jihadis take over. Lesser known but no less eye-opening, however, is the aftermath of occupation—the everyday “rules” and laws the jihadis enforce once they’re in charge.
Consider the al-Qaeda-linked Islamic State of Iraq and Levant’s (ISIL) recent occupation of Raqqah, a city in northern Syria. First there was the overt violence. Among other acts of savagery, the jihadi organizationattacked two Christian churches—the Church of the Annunciation and the Church of Martyrs—broke their crosses, burned their Bibles, and raised the Islamic flag in triumph. One video depicts a Muslim “freedom fighter” smashing a Virgin Mary statue to shouts of Islam’s victory cry, “Allahu Akbar!”
Now consider the rules that organizations like ISIL enforce on the people living in the territories they occupy—or the inevitable “talibanization” of societies where Islamic supremacists hold sway. A Syrian news clip recounts the following new laws ISIL promulgated in a statement it issued soon after taking over Raqqah:
- Women are banned from sitting on chairs (as reported verbatim).
- All women are obligated to wear Islamic attire, such as the niqab and burqa (which cover the entire body and face); sweaters, jeans, and makeup of any kind are strictly banned.
- Female clothing is not to be displayed in shop windows, and only women are allowed to work there; if a man is found on the grounds the shop faces closure.
- Women are banned from seeing male gynecologists…. Keep Reading
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