So I started reading a new book last night by survivalist Fernando Aguirre entitled, a href=”″span style=”font-style:italic;”The Modern Survival Manual: Surviving the Economic Collapse./span/aimg src=”″ width=”1″ height=”1″ border=”0″ alt=”” style=”border:none !important; margin:0px !important;” / The book is based on his first-hand experience of the 2001 economic collapse in Argentina and I must say, it’s been an interesting read. {Disclosure: Glenn bought the book from and if you follow the above link and buy it, I get a small commission–around 6-8%. I know, a href=””FTC rules /adon’t start until Dec. but I am getting started early. There is also an Amazon ad in my sidebar that has been there for years that should tip readers off that I am an Amazon affiliate}.br /br /Anyway, the first thing that caught my eye is that the book is not edited much and English is the author’s second language. Some might be put off by this but I found it refreshing and it made the book more authentic. In a section on “What to Expect from this Book,” Aguirre states that “if it’s quality literature that you want, this is not it.” He points out that his book is free from filtering and the book is self published. “The only editor that showed any interest in publishing said that the book was ‘too aggressive’ for their target readers.” br /br /I did not find the book particularly “aggressive,” whatever that means. The author basically tells you to stop being a wimp and learn to think through what you would do physically and psychologically should the “shit hit the fan” (what he refers to as SHTF). He starts by explaining what a href=””happened in Argentina /a after December of 2001 with the economic collapse and the ensuing crisis leading to high unemployment, high crime, poverty and a (short) period of anarchy. What do you do? How do you survive in these conditions?br /br /Aguirre gives tips on where to live (hint: the country may not be the best place as it is easier to rob or get away with a home invasion there. He says a small town or community is best), home security (think like a burglar, install security lights etc.), how to identify threats (don’t look for action movie “stereotypes” of bad guys. Look instead for people who are out of place or people who look nervous) and even has advice on cars and how to drive defensively. For example, when buying a car, “Don’t think fancy, think common, inexpensive, and readily available.” That way, if you need it fixed in an economic collapse, there will be more mechanics who will know the model and brand and parts will be easier and cheaper to find. He also notes that “A guy in an expensive car is still in danger not because of his car, but because the bad guys may think he is rich and kidnap him.”br /br /The book is chock-full of a number of helpful tips, and if nothing else, really gets your mind set to thinking about solving problems that are less salient than an economic collapse in your own life. One thing Aguirre points out is that if you are not up to thinking in this manner emotionally and the thought of thinking through these issues keeps you up at night, it’s best to let it go. But for those of us who find that a span style=”font-style:italic;”lack/span of preparation keeps us up at night, this book, along with practice and forethought, might just help us sleep more soundly.
Surviving the Economic Collapse
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