a href=”http://photos1.blogger.com/blogger/750/48/1600/totten1sm.jpg”img style=”float:left; margin:0 10px 10px 0;cursor:pointer; cursor:hand;” src=”http://photos1.blogger.com/blogger/750/48/320/totten1sm.jpg” border=”0″ alt=”” //abr /Well, eventually, everyone comes through Knoxville at some point–Glenn and I had the pleasure of meeting up for dinner and discussion last night over barbeque with Michael Totten, of a href=”http://www.michaeltotten.com/”MichaelTotten.com./a For those of you not familiar with Michael’s work, he is a blogger and writer who travels to the Mideast to bring his readers first-hand interviews and political goings-on in Iraq, Lebanon, Libya, Israel and soon, Algeria. The conversation was so interesting, we thought our listeners would want to hear more so we persuaded him to come to our studio for a podcast on his past and recent travels around the Mideast. Listen as Michael talks about his travels to Tunisia, Libya, Lebanon, Iraq and Israel. br /br /Most fascinating to me was Michael’s discussion of the different political mindsets between those in the more secular areas of Israel, such as Tel Aviv, who identify more with leftist Europeans and those in Jerusalem who are seen as more right-leaning in their views. The psychology of why this political split is there is fascinating to me (as a Jew, why would you want to identify with leftist Europeans?)–if you have some thoughts about this, let me know in the comment section. br /br /You can listen to the podcast by a href=”http://richmedia.pjmedia.com/audio/politicscentral/glenn_helen_show/20061001-MichaelTotten.mp3″clicking here/a or directly (no downloading necessary) by a href=”http://www.politicscentral.com/2006/09/30/the_glenn_and_helen_show_micha.php”clicking here/a. For dial-up users, you can listen a href=”http://richmedia.pjmedia.com/audio/politicscentral/glenn_helen_show/20061001-MichaelTotten-lofi.mp3″here./a If you would like to view our archive of podcasts, go to a href=”http://www.theglennandhelenshow.com/”TheGlennandHelenShow.com/a.br /br /This podcast is sponsored by a href=”http://volvocars.us”VolvoCars.us./abr /br /Update: You can see more about Michael Totten’s trip to Knoxville including pictures a href=”http://www.michaeltotten.com/archives/001267.html”here./a
Podcast with Michael Totten
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