This Montage Proves ESPN Has Been Biased for a Long Time

A general view near the entrance to the ESPN Wide World of Sports Complex entrance prior to an NFL Pro Bowl football game on Thursday, Jan. 26, 2017 in Lake Buena Vista, Fla. (Aaron M. Sprecher via AP)

Amidst a ratings plummet, ESPN continues to act more like a liberal mainstream media network than a sportscasting channel. Recently, Jemele Hill, one of ESPN’s commentators, tweeted a barrage of mean statements about President Trump. The White House even called on the network to fire her, based on how offensive they felt it was. But, even before this latest controversy, ESPN was not acting the way a sports network should. This montage was created by Grabien in April.


Share on Facebook if you want to be able to watch sports without hearing about LGBT rights, how the military is a “federal safety net,” how we should be “reprogramming how we raise men,” or how Sean Spicer has “demonstrably lied.”

Fox News’ Chris Wallace says of ESPN– “conservatives like Curt Schilling get fired for comments they make, but this woman who called the President a white supremacist, so far at least they’re giving her a pass.”

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