CNN's Jeffrey Toobin Says Comey Firing 'Is Not Normal, Is Not Politics as Usual'

President Bill Clinton fired FBI Director William Sessions shortly after becoming president, and President George W. Bush did the same with FBI Director Louis Freeh. But somehow CNN legal analyst Jeffrey Toobin said this about President Trump’s firing of FBI Director James Comey: “This is not normal; this is not politics as usual.” He also drew a connection between Comey’s removal and President Nixon’s firing of Special Prosecutor Archibald Cox. But hasn’t the media been painting a picture of Comey as the person who altered the outcome of the 2016 election in Trump’s favor? Hillary Clinton claims she would’ve won had it not been for Comey’s letter. So if anything, it would be like Jimmy Carter firing Archibald Cox, not Nixon. So not only has an FBI director transition happened in almost every presidency, but Toobin had his logic completely backwards anyway. Wow, CNN!



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