'The Intersection of Faith and Politics' Episode 2: Trump Assassination Attempt

Townhall Media

In Episode 2 of "The Intersection of Faith and Politics," co-host Lincoln Brown and I discuss Saturday's attempted assassination of former President Trump and some of the spiritual implications of that very close call.


We discussed the role of Providence and how God raises up leaders (and takes them down) for His own purposes to accomplish His will. We're not always able to see the big picture, but God, who knows the end from the beginning, certainly does. 

That led to a segment about why bad things happen to "good" people. Why was Donald Trump spared but not the brave Christian father of two who threw his body on top of his family? Or the children who were killed in Uvalde? 

We also touched on grief, especially when the loss doesn't make sense from a human perspective. 

We talked about reactions to the shooting from faith leaders and rounded things out by listening to some multicultural benediction prayers from the first night of the Republican National Convention. (Lincoln asked me to let listeners know that he does actually know the difference between an invocation and a benediction!)

You can listen right here or click over to our podcast page. We're also on Spotify and will be on the other major platforms soon! 

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