Trans Editing: Netflix Cuts Chromosome Segment From 1996 Bill Nye Episode

Rep. Joaquin Castro (D-Texas) Image via YouTube

In conjunction with its new show “Bill Nye Saves the World,” Netflix also released select episodes from the series “Bill Nye the Science Guy” (1993-1998). One of those episodes had a segment about biological sex, explaining that chromosomes determine whether you are a boy or a girl. But Netflix edited out that section, because it contradicts transgenderism and the “spectrum” Nye presented in his new show.


“I’m a girl. Could have just as easily been a boy though, because the probability of becoming a girl is always one in two,” Amy Broder, an actress known for The Neighbors (2012), explains in the original version of the episode. “See, inside each of our cells are these things called chromosomes, and they control whether we become a boy or a girl.”

This basic science lesson is now considered something like hate speech. But Broder is remarkably clear about the connection between chromosomes and biological sex.

Broder goes on to explain that “your mom has two ‘X’ chromosomes in all of her cells, and your dad has one ‘X’ and one ‘Y’ chromosome in each of his cells. Before you’re born, your mom gives you one of her chromosomes and your dad gives you one of his. Mom always gives you an ‘X’, and if dad gives you an ‘X’ too, then you become a girl. But, if he gives you his ‘Y’ then you become a boy.”

How insensitive! But it gets worse. “See, there are only two possibilities: ‘XX’ a girl, or ‘XY’ a boy. The chance of becoming either a boy or a girl is always one in two, a fifty-fifty chance either way. It’s like flipping a coin.”


This simple explanation of the biological roots of sex and gender is still scientifically correct, but it has become politically incorrect. So Netflix had to censor the original episode.

Netflix could have decided to cut out the 1996 episode “Probability” altogether, but instead the company decided to remove this offensive segment with Amy Broder and keep the rest. In the Netflix version, the scene before Broder’s discussion of chromosomes flows directly into the scene after it, as though Broader’s skit never existed.

Why cut the skit? It contradicts the message of Nye’s new show. In the ninth episode of “Bill Nye Saves the World,” called “Sexual Spectrum,” Nye championed transgenderism. He put forward an “Abacus of Sex,” to rate people on a spectrum between male and female on sexuality, sex, gender, expression, and attraction.

“Take sex. We used to think it was pretty straightforward. X and a Y chromosome for males. Two Xs for females. But we see more combinations than that in real life,” Nye explains in the new show. He argues that “the science says we’re all on a spectrum.”


The problem is, the science behind biological sex is rather clear cut — chromosomes make you male or female. But the science behind this “spectrum” is not nearly as clear, and it seems driven more by political concerns than scientific ones.

Nye himself addressed chromosomes in the original show, but he was not quite as clear as Broder. He suggested that “females usually have two Xs and males usually have an X and a Y. But it turns out, about 1 in every 400 pregnancies have a different number of sex chromosomes. Some have only one sex chromosome, some people have 3, 4, or even five.”

“For me, I usually feel like I have a lot,” Nye joked.

While it is true that genetic abnormalities exist, it’s an entirely different matter to argue that someone with an “X” and a “Y” chromosome is “really” a girl, because he wishes to identify that way. People have undergone permanent surgeries to change their biological sex and regretted it afterward.

Whether or not it is healthy for transgender people to identify with a gender opposite their biological sex, the cultural promotion of gender confusion seems to have negative effects on children and teenagers. A psychiatrist in Australia has reported that children are “trying out” being transgender, and that one kid even referred to it as “the new black.”


Even so, it is one thing for Netflix to spread transgender ideology and another for the company to edit a Bill Nye episode to remove the scientific explanation of what makes someone a boy or a girl. Now, a company like Netflix is using censorship to erase the past to make sure its current programming is politically correct.

Brave new world indeed.

Click “Load More” to see the video, and Netflix’s edited version.


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