Jon Voight on Nike Pulling Betsy Ross Flag Shoe: 'It's Disturbing. It's a Sad Thing'

WASHINGTON — Academy Award-winning actor and activist Jon Voight called Nike’s decision to pull its sneaker with the Betsy Ross U.S. flag over a complaint from former NFL Player Colin Kaepernick “disturbing,” adding that many young people are “growing up with the wrong ideas” about America today.


“It’s disturbing. It’s a sad thing when we see this kind of nonsense going on but listen, it’s a free country, people can do what they wish but it just gives me an idea that some people are not able to protect themselves from very bad behavior. They’re intimidated by what’s going on now and that’s what we’re addressing here,” Voight said on Thursday after participating in a Moms for America event that featured Gold Star moms speaking out against socialism.

“We’re saying that there’s much to do. There are a lot of lies being perpetrated to our children so they’re growing up with the wrong ideas about many things and we have to deprogram them, you know, like you send your kid away to college and they come back saying things against the constitution and the country and their parents and they have to somehow address that and program them to bring them back into some kind of sanity and it’s very, very serious,” he added.


Voight continued, “These [Gold Star] mothers are extremely eloquent, as you heard, every one made very, very clear and indelible points about what’s going on right now. They know what’s happening.”


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