Kathy Griffin at White House: Trump’s the Type to Resign and Make Up a ‘Bull**it Excuse’

(Chris Pizzello/Invision/AP)

WASHINGTON – Comedian Kathy Griffin said she needed three bodyguards during a protest outside of the White House because of death threats she has received from Trump supporters.


“Yeah that’s what happens when you get death threats from Trumpers and alt-right people non-stop,” Griffin wrote in response to a tweet about the bodyguards after the Thursday evening rally at the #KremlinAnnex, as the protests are dubbed on social media.

Griffin greeted some attendees after speaking at the rally and posed for photos. She answered questions from one reporter there and quickly left surrounded by three security guards.

Griffin apologized last year for the photo shoot in which she held a mock severed head that resembled President Trump, but she took the apology back in April.

“Looking back, do you regret the controversial photo shoot, or do you think it was the right thing to do?” Griffin was asked.

“Do yourself a favor and go to Google and YouTube and look up the answer I’ve given a thousand times… no regrets. And then go fuck yourself, you disingenuous punk,” she replied.

Protests outside of the White House have continued since Trump’s Helsinki summit with Russian President Vladimir Putin. The last celebrity to appear at one of the protests was Rosie O’Donnell.

Griffin told the crowd at the Thursday night rally that she’s not “holding back” on criticizing Trump or “anybody” in the White House. Trump was in Montana for a rally while the White House protest was taking place.


“I love flipping the bird. Oh, that’s right, he’s not here because he’s a spineless prick. He is in Billings, Mont., running from us, running scared because I’m going to roast him,” Griffin said. “It’s not a threat. It’s a joke. It’s covered by the First Amendment.”

Someone in the crowd asked Griffin to apologize to Barron Trump for the photo shoot.

“I think Barron has seen worse than my photo,” she replied.

Griffin speculated that Kellyanne Conway wrote the anonymous op-ed about Trump published on Tuesday in the New York Times.

“I’m not going to get into the anonymous op-ed writer who is frankly showing bullshit fake courage, so I’m not going to waste my time on Kellyanne Conway,” she said.

Griffin explained that she supports impeaching Trump, but she thinks he might resign first.

“I’m all about impeachment, although personally, because I know this asshole, I feel like he’s the type that’s going to resign but then come up with some bullshit excuse like, ‘oh, I’m going to start a new company or something.’ But I think he’s more likely to just go back in a hole like Saddam Hussein,” she said.

“Why are you calling for violence?” an attendee yelled.


“I’m calling for incarceration, sir. I just want to remind everybody that many, many people during Watergate ended up going to prison so, don’t worry, I really think the whole gang is going to prison. I really believe that,” she replied.

Griffin referenced the proposed border wall in her speech, saying it’s not going to be finished.

“Some babies were dropped on their heads but you, Donald, were clearly thrown at a wall. By the way, that wall is not going to be built. There’s not going to be a wall,” she said. “If he does, I am going to stand on top of it and just throw Mexican people back in – Selena Gomez or whoever is up.”

After Griffin spoke, a live band performed with the leader of the group singing, “Impeach 45.”


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