Your reliable West Coast, Messed Coast™ correspondent was running recon on behalf of you, dear reader, at a local chain grocery store located in a small hamlet in Washington state.
As most sentient adults can tell you, Joe Biden’s inflation, Shiite Democrats’ green-religionist policies, and fuel costs have sent the prices of food up to astronomically high levels.
The shock waves of high prices of everything from COVID-19 supply chain slowdowns, wanton government spending by Joe Biden, and the attempted shutdown of the petroleum energy industry have raised the price of everything, including feed (up 22%), fertilizer, and fuel. These increases are reflected in the prices at the store.
Doubt me? Of course, you don’t.
But even most West Coast, Messed Coast™ readers, though prescient, smart, well-read, and already stunned that egg prices have doubled and New York strip steaks are unaffordable, may be shocked to learn about the latest prices of dairy. As the American Farm Bureau Federation publication informs us, “between May 2021 and May 2022, the base Class I (fluid milk) price increased by $8.35 (49%), the Class II (soft products like ice cream and yogurt) price increased by $9.65 (59%), Class III (hard cheeses and whey) prices increased by $6.25 (33%), and Class IV (butter and powders) prices increased by $8.83 (55%) per hundredweight.”
So, milk products have been going up by stunning levels since COVID and are getting worse.
Grab a table, take a seat, assume the position and behold the price of a half gallon of whipping cream, which I planned to purchase for my fancy ice cream maker, but the price of which stopped me cold. Ice cold.
You read that right. That bad boy is going for the tidy sum of … $15.99. It didn’t make it into my cart, so all your correspondent knows is that this price is what this store thought the market would bear — just not me.
Anomalous? Maybe. Weird? Of course. But $15.99 for a half gallon of whipping cream?
Before you go all Kamala Harris on us and declare it’s all a Big Milk conspiracy, the Farm Bureau explains that farmers aren’t gouging; their costs have gone up just like everybody else’s. Taxes, labor, and recovering costs of capital outlay are up.
The country hasn’t seen inflation like this for 41 years. Maybe what we need now is another Whip Inflation Now (WIN) effort like that seen under President Gerald Ford.

That didn’t work out well, either, but somebody should be doing something instead of milking the taxpayers because, as we all know, inflation is a tacit and not-so-hidden tax on Americans.
In last week’s edition of the West Coast, Messed Coast™ report, we told you about the drop in school enrollment in woke Seattle. As you may have guessed, the entire West Coast, Messed Coast is experiencing a drop in school enrollment after parents got a look at the kids’ COVID Zoom classes and pulled the ‘chute.
According to Burbio, California’s elementary population dropped by 3.3%, while sister nanny state Oregon saw a 3.1% drop in enrollment. Though the exodus from Seattle schools was far more dramatic — more than 7% overall — Washington’s elementary enrollment fell by 2%.
Related: West Coast, Messed Coast™: Escape From Seattle Schools Edition
Speaking of pulling the ‘chute, Chesa Boudin’s predecessor, and George Soros paid-for carpet-bagger, George Gascon, is getting closer to being recalled in Los Angeles County.
The L.A. County registrar’s random sampling of signatures has verified that there were enough valid signatures among the 715,833 that the recall effort will move forward. Now all the signatures will be checked.
To mark the occasion, the “progressive” DA announced that he would no longer notify victims, as is state protocol, when their attacker or family member’s murderer is let out of prison.
Meanwhile in Portland, the effort continues to end “gun violence.”
Press Release: Armed Robber Arrested After Threatening With Knife (Photo)
Link:— Portland Police (@PortlandPolice) July 13, 2022
Finally, the head of an anti-Antifa group known as Patriot Prayer in the Portland and Vancouver, Wash., areas is on trial for … riot. The same Portland prosecutors who dropped charges against 70% of Antifa rioters following the Summer of Love in 2020 are attempting to throw the book at Joey Gibson for following violent Antifa members to their now defunct drinking establishment, Cider Riot! In court, prosecutors said with a straight face that Gibson’s group caused “public alarm” by walking down the public street on their way to Cider Riot!
We’ll keep you posted on this one.
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