Trump the Diplomat Has More Than Arrived
Earlier in the week a member of the Norwegian Parliament nominated President Trump for a Nobel Peace prize. Matt wrote about that honor:
President Trump has been nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize by a Norwegian lawmaker, the Associated Press reports.
Christian Tybring-Gjedde, a member of the Norwegian Parliament, believes Trump should be considered because of his work “for a peace agreement between the United Arab Emirates and Israel which opens up for possible peace in the Middle East.”
Those who are paying real attention know that the UAE/Israel agreement isn’t the president’s only recent diplomatic accomplishment. On Friday, a member of the Swedish Parliament nominated Trump for a second Nobel Peace prize, citing the historic deal that the president brokered between Serbia and Kosovo.
WASHINGTON — President Trump has been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize for a second time this week — this time for brokering a historic peace deal between Serbia and breakaway republic Kosovo.
In a Friday morning tweet, Magnus Jacobsson, a member of the Swedish Parliament, announced he was nominating the Trump administration and the two European nations for their “joint work for peace and economic development, through the cooperation agreement signed in the White House.”
“Trade and communications are important building blocks for peace,” Jacobsson wrote, sharing his letter to the Nobel Committee.
Ignore the Noise and Look at Trump’s Actual Accomplishments

The vile propaganda peddlers in the American mainstream media have spent most of the week playing a game of tortured inference over one quote from Bob Woodward’s book in its fourteen billionth attempt to derail the president.
The goal of the MSM these days is to create false narrative noise that distracts both from the fact that their preferred presidential candidate is barely functional and that this president, whom they despise, has accomplished more diplomatically in the last couple of months than their Emperor God-King Obama did in eight years. Can you imagine the never-ending hallelujah praise chorus the MSM would be singing if The Lightbringer had been nominated for two Nobel Peace prizes in three days?
We expect as much from the MSM and the Democrats (redundant, I know) though.
What surprises me is that I still meet Trump skeptic Republicans who are engaged in constant hand-wringing over his tweets and/or off-the-cuff remarks. What frustrates me about them is that they’re getting caught up in the deliberate MSM distraction noise. This president has just brought together historically bitter enemies in not one, but two different parts of the world to broker peace.
Who gives a flying rat’s you-know-what if he tweets mean things?
If you are having a new house built is it more important that your contractor be a nice guy or that he knows how to build a house?
So Much for the Whole “The World Hates Us Because of Trump” Nonsense

A familiar refrain from the American left is that the rest of the world doesn’t respect us because of President Trump. They said the same thing every day during President George W. Bush’s eight years in office too. They will no doubt say that about every Republican president after Trump. The lefties are nothing if not predictable.
They are also fact-averse.
If President Trump were truly despised around the world he wouldn’t have been able to bring the UAE and Israel, then Serbia and Kosovo, together, then get nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize by lawmakers from two different countries in Europe.
In a sane world, it would be an uncontested slam dunk for President Trump to win the Nobel.
The world ceased being sane, however, when the Nobel committee awarded the peace prize to Barack Obama for having accomplished absolutely nothing.
I won’t hold my breath.
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PJ Media Senior Columnist and Associate Editor Stephen Kruiser is the author of “Don’t Let the Hippies Shower” and “Straight Outta Feelings: Political Zen in the Age of Outrage,” both of which address serious subjects in a humorous way. Monday through Friday he edits PJ Media’s “Morning Briefing.” His columns appear twice a week.
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