The Morning Briefing: #WaPoDeathNotices Edition

This file image made from video posted on a militant website Saturday, July 5, 2014, purports to show the leader of the Islamic State group, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, delivering a sermon at a mosque in Iraq during his first public appearance. (AP Photo/Militant video, File)

Well, That Escalated Quickly

It was Dead Terrorist Weekend in America, which in times past was the kind of thing that would bring us together as a nation, even if only for a little while.


That’s so early 21st-century.

President Trump’s remarks about the death of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi triggered the libs, who seemed to be upset that he spoke ill of a terrorist:

“He was a sick and depraved man. And now he’s gone.”

Trump thanked other countries for their support with the operation, including the Kurds, Turkey, Iraq, and Russia.

“A brutal killer … has violently been eliminated,” he said. “He died like a dog. He died like a coward.”

Sounds good to me, but that’s what set off Left Twitter all day Sunday.

While the president was blunt in his assessment, The Washington Post decided to throw a coat of whitewash on the story. The newspaper embarrassed itself with this obituary headline about al-Baghdadi:

Austere religious scholar at helm of Islamic State dies at 48

This is how awful the media is now. The headline isn’t the result of some 25-year-old social media person being clueless. That thing had to get cleared by a grownup, professional newspaper editor.

The headline was so tone-deaf that the mockery that ensued eventually forced WaPo to alter the headline later on Sunday.

The spectacularly bad original headline ended up inspiring the Twitter hashtag #WaPoDeathNotices, which ended up being the most entertaining thing that happened on social media in quite some time.

Beginning the week with a little fun is always a good idea, so here are some of my favorites.


PJM Linktank

Der Bidengaffer Alert: Joe Biden: Cops Don’t Pull Over White Girls

Whaddya know: Meanwhile, in the Heartland, Impeachment Isn’t Very Popular

Poll: Most Americans Oppose Reparations for Slavery

U.S. Military Vehicles Enter Syria to Protect the Oil

Harvard Students Upset that Newspaper Contacted ICE for a Story About… ICE


Bee Me

The Kruiser Kabana

I don’t believe we have had any Robin Williams clips yet. Enjoy.

The theme for this week will be whimsy. Or whiskey.

PJ Media Associate Editor Stephen Kruiser is the author ofDon’t Let the Hippies ShowerandStraight Outta Feelings: Political Zen in the Age of Outrage,” both of which address serious subjects in a humorous way. Monday through Friday he edits PJ Media’s “Morning Briefing.”


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