Why Did a Muslim Stab a Shirtless Gay BLM Dancer to Death in Brooklyn?

AP Photo/Matt Rourke

A murder in Brooklyn Saturday puts the spotlight on what America has become, and what it is likely to be like in the future. It also once again shows the weakness of the Left’s “intersectionality” coalition of various groups that claim victimhood, the most coveted status in today’s insane society.


The victim, O’Shae Sibley, 28, was a professional dancer. Back in 2020, he joined a dance troop called Vogue 4 #BlackLivesMatter, which created a dance video spotlighting “black queer and trans people who use voguing as a form of protest.” In the video, Sibley and his fellow dancers “dance and dip literally in the face of the police.” They also “raise their fists in unison” as a rapper repeats George Floyd’s last words, “I can’t breathe!” They also “hold up signs that say ‘Protect Black Trans Women!’”

You can’t get any more stunning and brave than that, but now O’Shae Sibley is dead. The murderer is not a MAGA-hat-wearing racist redneck yahoo of Leftist myth but someone whom Sibley would likely have assumed was an ally, a fellow member of the Left’s alliance of groups that are allegedly victims of the white man, the focus of evil in the modern world and the group that the Biden regime has repeatedly claimed constitutes the largest terror threat the nation faces today.

The New York Daily News reported Sunday that Sibley was “stabbed to death during a confrontation Saturday night with a group of Muslim men who said the victim’s impromptu performance offended their faith.” Ordinarily, the establishment media is extremely reticent in reporting on Muslims who commit acts of violence in the name of their religion and in accordance with its teachings and prefer to use euphemisms such as “militants,” “extremists,” and the like.


That reticence can be seen in the Daily News headline: “VIDEO: Professional dancer stabbed to death by bigoted stranger for voguing shirtless with pals at Brooklyn gas station: witness.” When the Seattle Times, which is not a notably “right-wing” newspaper, picked up the Daily News story, its headline was more direct: “Shirtless man pumping gas in Brooklyn stabbed to death by offended Muslim stranger: witness.” In its story, however, the Daily News had to report more forthrightly about the religion of those who got into the conflict with Sibley, as their religion was the cause of the conflict in the first place.

Sibley was “blasting music and dancing with his pals at the Midwood Mobil station on Coney Island Ave and Avenue P just after 11 p.m. when their antics drew homophobic protests from a group of men nearby, authorities and witnesses said.” Video shows that Sibley and his friends were all shirtless and wearing swim trunks. While they were gassing up their vehicle, one of them started dancing.” According to the Daily News, “That’s when a group of men exiting the Mobil station started harassing the 28-year-old victim, clad in pink swim trunks, and his pals.”

A witness recounted that the men who had come out of the Mobil station thought Sibley and his friends had offended their faith: “They were saying, ‘Oh, we’re Muslim, so don’t do this in front of me. From that I think it looks like a hate crime. Nothing else was going on. They were only dancing. This guy was dancing in underwear and the suspect was like ‘Why are you dancing in your underwear?’ Obviously, they are gay and if they are dancing that’s the problem they had.”


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That may be. Islamic tradition depicts Muhammad specifying the punishment for homosexual activity: “Whoever you find doing the action of the people of Loot [that is, the Biblical Lot of Sodom and Gomorrah fame], execute the one who does it and the one to whom it is done” (Sunan Abu Dawud 4462). And so the confrontation in Brooklyn ran its course. The Daily News says that one of Sibley’s friends told the Muslims: “You like girls, you look like you’re into girls, but we are not into girls. We have our own life. We can do whatever we want, you know. We’re dancing, that’s our life.”

That satisfied no one. The confrontation escalated from there until finally, “The stabbing happened in a split second, with the shocked victim still on his feet as a crowd gathered around him.” As of this writing, the murderer has not been found.

When they heard that the group at the gas station was offended at their dancing because of their Islamic faith, Sibley and his friends likely had no inkling they were in any danger. Muslims have been part of the Left’s coalition for a long time. And anyone who has warned about Islam’s death penalty for homosexuality and other violent aspects was shouted down and marginalized as “Islamophobic” long ago. And so now O’Shae Sibley is dead. Will anyone consider the larger implications of his death for what American society might be like in ten years, or twenty, or fifty? Of course not. Thus it is assured that there will be many more killings of this kind all over our once-placid land.



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